I am apparently worth $330

Aug 18, 2006 11:34

Choose your answer for each category. Add up the $ to see how much you are worth. Repost with headline: I am worth $_____

Hair color:
Natural Blonde $50
Bottle Blonde $45
Brunette $40
Black $40
Redhead $45
Other $15

Eye Color:
Blue $25
Green $15
Brown $20
Grey $15
Hazel $20
Other $10

Under 5' $20
5' - 5'8" $25
5'9" - 6' $30
Over 6' $35

13 and under $10
14-16 $15
17-18 $20
19-21 $25
22-30 $20
30-40 $15
Over 40 $10

Middle School $10
Quit high school $0
still in high school $15
GED $10
High School Grad $50
In College $75
2 year degree $85
4 year degree $100
Higher degree $125

Birth Order:
Only child $15
First born $50
Last born $40
Middle child $30
Other $20

Yes $0
No $20

Never $35
1-5 x's month $25
6-10 x's month $20
11+ x's month $15

No correction $30
Glasses $10
Contacts $15
Surgical correction $20

Car Color:
Red $50
Blue $30( x 2 )
Green $30
Silver $45
White $20
Black $25
Other $20

Shoe Size:
5/6 $20
7/8 $30
9+ $15

Current Undies:
bikini $15
thong $15
brief $5
boxers $20
none $0

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