Y'know, I think a major part of Michigan's problems is the fact that we're *told* we're Dead Last. We're *told* that we have the worst economy out of fifty states in the middle of a recession, that everything sucks, that there's absolutely no reason for people to come here and everyone's leaving.
It's simple psychology. Tell people that there's little to no confidence in the state=ever hear of self-fulfilling prophecies?
I honestly think that things could get a lot better if we were more positive. So, fellow Michiganers, consider this list of Reasons to Live in Michigan:
- We're friendly! There is much door-holding and pleases and thank-yous and and you can wish a stranger a good day without them looking at you like a moron. :D
- The place is absolutely beautiful. Our state throws itself into each season enthusiastically, with Everything-is-New-and-Wonderful-ROBINS-Springs, OH-GOD-I'm-MEEEELTING-Summers, Slightly-Chilly-but-REALLY-COLORFUL-Autumns, and I-Can't-Leave-the-House-Because-My-Car-is-Buried-SNOW-DAY!-Winters! Not to mention all the varied terrain (we have hills AND flat country!), loads of trees, lakes everywhere(dudes, I seriously can't go out without seeing some substantial body of water)... it's awesome. Also we are shaped like a mitten. Don't you want to live in such a neatly shaped state? :D
- We have Ford, maker of Great American Cars!
- The U[pper] P[eninsula], where there is much Wildlife and not that many people (get closer to Nature!) and the Mackinac Bridge!
- Michigan is one of the best places in the country to homeschool.
- Lots of fantastic places to move in to for both businesses and personal homes.
- SNOOOOOOW. Lots of awesome, fantastic and fun snow, and we have the means to deal with it! (Warning: This may cause Superior Northern Snow Syndrome, and cause you to point and laugh/be very very amused when Southern friends and family are panicking and everything closes over 2 inches of snow.*)
- We apparently have an accent that people strive for!
So buck up, guys. Self-fulfilling prophecies can work the other way, too! :-)
*Considering the current Snowpocalypse and several feet of snow expected in areas that honestly never expected to deal with such a thing and have good reason to panic, we're currently looking on in sympathy instead of amusement. I love you Southern people please don't kill me