Title: Operation Wedding Crashers
Characters: A large part of the official TGWTG people, Treehousians.
Summary: Kink meme prompt: "Sean/Phelous. It's their wedding. The Treehouse crashes the reception. Hilarity ensues."
Rating: PG/PG-13
Author's Note: Written a few months ago, but our Treehouse is even bigger and better now!
“... As long as you’re aware that there are ways to get out of this... I pronounce you married. You may now kiss.” Sage finished with a bored look.
Sean wasted no time in doing so, wrapping his arms around Phelous as their friends cheered and wolf-whistled. To think this had started out as a few simple tweets...
Meanwhile, on the roof of the building next to the church, a Bluetooth headset suddenly flared to life.
“Status report, Freyamau!”
Freyamau didn’t even put the binoculars down as she replied. “They’ve just finished the ceremony.”
“Only just now?”
“Yeah. Sage still couldn’t quite believe that they didn’t want to get out of it and wouldn’t stop recommending divorce lawyers or hired mercenaries to kill the other one off so’s they could be a widower and get compensation or something.”
There was a pause.
“... that’s more than a little creepy.” Bioniccheese piped up weakly.
“Yes. But they finally just shouted him down and finished it. They should be leaving in a minute.”
“Alright.” You could practically hear DodgerOfZion nodding briskly.
“Everyone in position? Girls? Weaver?”
Freyamau winced as a dozen Treehouse dwellers all spoke at once.
“Good. Freyamau?”
As if on cue, the doors of the church opened, and various internet reviewers started streaming out, heading for the building Freyamau was currently atop. Only Bennett the Sage designed to look up, and the fangirl quickly ducked out of sight.
“They’re leaving the church now!” She reported.
“Perfect. Give us the all-clear when they’re all inside and then... Well, Treehouse, are you ready to crash a party?”
Freyamau grinned and joined in the quiet cheer that went over the call. “Hell yeah!”
Arm still around Phelous’ waist, Sean looked around at the reception, looking decidedly pleased. And why shouldn’t he? Everything was going to plan, with lots of dancing, chatting, and eating. Spoony and Linkara had even promised that Doctor Insano would be on his best behavior for the night and not blow anything or anyone up, a promise which hadn’t been broken yet.
“This is a pretty awesome party.” Phelous said quietly. “Kinda makes you wonder how it’s going to be screwed up.”
Sean glanced down at him incredulously. “What?”
“Well, there’s no way it’ll stay like this for long. Something’s going to happen.”
“But it has to--!”
The reception hall doors burst open, slamming against the wall and effectively cutting off the rest of Sean’s desperate reply. The rest of the party paused.
A vaguely familiar girl stood at the front of a very large group of people. All but one were girls. All of them wore worrying smirks on their faces.
“Hello, Internet.” The girl at the front said cheerfully. “Did you really think you could have a big party without inviting us?”
Oh no. “Fangirls!” Sean whispered weakly. The girl’s grin widened.
“Oh, yes.”
The next thing Sean or Phelous knew, the room was flooded with fangirls and reviewers alike.
DodgerOfZion couldn’t help grinning madly as she surveyed the room and their work. Freyamau had reported that the party was lively before they’d crashed it, and now it almost bordered on chaos.
Several of the newcomers had headed for the dance floor. The Critic and MarzGurl were already dancing (and studiously ignoring the others), and Weaver was poised to cut in on that as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Angry Joe was dancing with Keevacaereni and Emeriin, all three of them laughing and grinning madly as they moved along with the upbeat music. Nochi and Taekarado had also joined JewWario on the dance floor.
A couple Treehouse dwellers had wandered over and were talking to the DJ, Paw. Dodger was pretty sure she heard one of them asking for something from Harvey Finevoice.
She made her way through the crowd, carefully not joining any of the groups that had formed around the reviewers. Dodger passed the Cinema Snob talking to a couple of fangirls who looked totally entranced at the sound of his voice.
“H-have you ever hypnotized someone with your voice?” Freyamau asked shyly. The Snob grinned slowly.
“Would you like to find out?”
Nice to know some reviewers can take this in stride. Dodger thought absently, her gaze flitting over to Sean and Phelous, the former of which seemed on the verge of a mental breakdown at the invasion. Phelous was apparently talking him down from it. Ah, lighten up, man.
The Nostalgia Chick was hanging out by the drinks with her BFF Nella. Nombrehtomado and Freya_Sackson were listening in awe, and Dodger drifted a bit closer curiously.
“... and that’s why the chloroform is so useful, see, because with just the right amount you can knock them out for quite a long time. Enough time to take them home and chain them up, anyway.” The Chick smiled wickedly.
Dodger raised her eyebrows and made a mental note to get the details of that conversation/teaching lesson from Freya or Nombre later.
Awesome-Emmy had made a beeline for Insano as soon as she’d come in, and had apparently encouraged Insano to share stories about his Son. Emmy caught Dodger’s eye as she passed them and winked, motioning to a small tape recorder behind her back. Insano didn’t notice, too caught up in relating how Son of Insano’s first experience with a sonic screwdriver had gone.
Can’t wait to listen to that in a later Skype chat!
Film Brain had been accosted by a couple of the younger fangirls. Bioniccheese and Feldjagerpistol were chatting animatedly with the bemused Brit.
“And they’re actually sending death threats to this octopus!”
“... You’re kidding.”
“No! It’s hilarious-- they’re all ‘we’re eatin’ octopi tonight!’ and being so ridiculous...”
Lady_Brightstar had caught Spoony and LordKat near the punch bowl. All thoughts of food had apparently been thrown out the window in favor of swapping dungeon master tips.
Dodger was momentarily distracted by the conversation on how best to almost kill your players, and almost ran into Timidfox.
“Oh! Sorry, Timid. Have you seen Linkara?”
“Yeah. He’s right over there.” She said, and led the way.
Dodger spotted the group and people she needed to talk to. Linkara, Liz, and the Lady Scarlett were surrounded by fangirls. Linkara looked vaguely confused; Dodger couldn’t really blame him. Instead of having to rescue his girlfriend from a jealous horde bent on the new couple’s destruction, the fangirls were quite taken with Liz. In fact, their questions were directed more at the ladies than the comic reviewer.
“Soooo, who’s going to catch the bouquet? Iron Liz or Lady Scarlett?” A_mae_zing asked, waggling her eyebrows.
“W-what? Uh, isn’t it a little early for that?” Liz stammered. Iambic5 grinned.
“Weeeelll, you two are pretty close, and you guys look so cute together...”
“What about you, Lady Scarlett?” Aunt_Zelda asked.
The redhead grinned and winked.
DodgerOfZion tapped Linkara on the shoulder. “Hey, Linkara, can we talk to you for a sec? I promise it’s not to declare how you should be dating me instead; especially as you’ve already got quite a cool girl already.”
“Um, okay. Sure.”
Dodger took the comic reviewer aside and cut straight to the chase. “You know Mechakara’s on the loose again, right?”
“What?! But I--”
“Yeah, we’ve pretty much killed him a couple of times, too.. He just keeps coming back.” She hesitated. “And, er, since you defeated him, he seems to have a taste for something else besides the destruction of mankind.”
“Though he quite likes that, too.” Timid piped up worriedly.
“What more could he want?”
“... weeeellll, let’s just say that thanks to him, my Game Boy’s in a support group for rape victims right now, along with Keeva’s laptop...”
Sean looked helplessly around him. It had all been going so well before those crazy fangirls (and the fanboy that the Critic was currently arguing with) had showed up! This was not how it was supposed to go!
“This is horrible!” He lamented.
“Eh. It’s just the fans.” Phelous shrugged, and pulled Sean in for another kiss.