May 06, 2007 23:03
As promised, another hectic week. A few more such days to go, and for better or worse I’ll be done. I feel odd for it, but this is probably the summer break I’ve least looked forward to…but at least I’ll get to see the Paducah crowd some.
Well. We were going to have an improv show on Thursday, but for some reason pushed it back to this week; finals week. We still had a “meeting” about it earlier in the week though, which turned into an hours-long mutual self-help group for the five of us who actually showed up. We talked about relationships, recipes, and other such fun. :-P
Wednesday we had a surprise going-away party for Sarajane…she was really happy, I think. A whole gaggle of theatre people and her sorority sisters hid in Jare-Ed’s kitchen and waited for her as Ed coaxed her towards us with such lines as “Why don’t you go pee?” Such subtlety. :-D
Later we did a study session for Sock ‘n’ Buskin initiations, which were had yesterday: I’m now an official full member. :-) It was a great day. We started off with Capture the Flag (yes, in broad daylight), which we lost, but I still had fun. The teams started off 5 vs 7 in their favor, and ended up being 3 vs 7…but we’re troopers. I was running on fallen trees across creeks, getting clotheslined by thorn vines, and generally being insane. In the mad dash for the win, Nathan Ducker, my fellow little who played Wally opposite my George in Paper Thin, escaped my grasp and won the day for the other team. I guess my Indian war paint didn’t help.
Initiations went really well too. There are about a quadrillion pictures on Facebook, but they might be confusing for the outsider. We all had to have talents; mine was my joint elasticity…Ed’s was his hairy crack. Well, that and his ear-splitting scream. Then all five littles (the others having been lost to attrition) got together for a scene, largely improv, that we concocted involving characters from MSU productions of the last year. I was Pablo Picasso from Picasso at the Lapin-Agile, and also Gary the Ghost, from the 24/7 Festival…coincidentally both played by Daniel. I think I’m in love with the man. ;-)
Today was probably the last show put on by the MSU Dance Company, and I have to say that they went out with a bang. The Department of Theatre & Dance has decided (or been ordered) to nix the latter part of that program, which is pretty sad considering how much talent is there. Cheers to you, Murray Dancers.
You only grow when you are alone.
-Paul Newman