Apr 10, 2005 17:18
Funny because you expect a fireball that never happens. As a matter of fact the only thing that does happen is your singe your ass hair. Pretty funny hollywood, this jokes on me, the next ones on you.
Lucky Loafers: So I fart on lighter. No kewl fireball just a few singed ass hairs, fucking urban myths...
Sword Mstr Zero: everyone knows that doesnt work
Sword Mstr Zero: dont you watch myth busters
Lucky Loafers: No, its on an educational channel
Lucky Loafers: Its a matter of pricipals
Lucky Loafers: Kewl or not I refuse to learn on the weekends
Sword Mstr Zero: do you even learn on weekdays
Lucky Loafers: No, but thats not out of principal, thats just me trying to keep my momentum from the weekend.
Sword Mstr Zero: well then
Sword Mstr Zero: thats a hwole lot of not learning time
Lucky Loafers: Its still there, learning time can be created or destroyed just squandered on masturbating and videogames.
Sword Mstr Zero: speaking of which
Sword Mstr Zero: i must leave you