Feb 26, 2005 01:22
Yes I am romancing the stone. I never read the book or saw the movie, but I am literally dating a rock. I still have not met a soul out here, so I plan to give this rock a nice steak, hope it drinks to much and nail it. This is just getting sad, being trapped in the wilderness was kewl for the first 4 months, how about a change of pace. Where the fuck is my truck? I have no money like I paid for a truck, but I don't have a fucking god damned truck. This seems awkward to me. You know what else is kewl... I seriously have nothing to say. Not a god damned thing happens. I made a post about fucking masquitos for christs sake, hoping that when I checked my e-mails something would be there, because if nothing was there I would be reading again or watching the news. You'd think books would make for good company, but have you tried playing "Thus spoke Zarathustra" at pool or drinking with "The Lucifer Principal." I mean learning and expanding your mind is great, but its nice to have someone to discuss it with. If you ever get curious why people in the wilderness hunt, I'll tell you. It's because killing something helps them vent and tomorrow I am killing kittens, the rotten little fucks want to live undder the house and avoid the humane society, fuck them. Fucking trees...
I'm thinking about attending school in San Diego. My grand parents will pay for school, I can live in san Diego and get a job that pays maybe a third of what I make out here if I'm lucky. Then again I have to ask myself how much I would be willing to give up for the old friends or how much can I afford to give up for them.
I probably won't kill those kittens, but I hate the little fuckers and it sounds tempting. Maybe I'll just masturbate and watch to see if it really kills them -Jeff