May 02, 2005 20:15
i think i have the flu. or at least the first signs. super.
i'm completely done with school tomorrow after a 7-9pm final when hopefully i will start in on this catastrophe of a house. that goes back to needing someone to take care of me. i'm fine with taking care of aidan, i've got that covered, its ME that needs help.
oh yeah if you're a guy and i'm being a total cunt to you, its because i'm frustrated with men at this point in time. i've got lots of friends, but really am not interested in them for anything other than friends. and i do adore you all. but i'm starting to need something a little bit more even if i don't want total commitment.
which reminds me my current interest is supposedly interested back. patience. i just want to hang out with a cool guy that has the possibility for more, and who's not sleeping around. <~~~ that's the hard part.
you're all whores.