(no subject)

Apr 29, 2005 16:51

Ossie and i were having some problems but, now everythings wonderful.
Life sucks..My brother is an ass and my parents think everything is wonderful with me and that nothing could possibly be wrong.. (to feel you in) I'm depressed for some reason. i dont know why but i hate it. I hate the way i've been acting too..a lot of things have been bothering me for no reason at all. i've been gettin mad way to easy too. i cant even remember when it all started but it sucks. I finially pulled myself together and relized that i was depressed then now every time i turn around im cry over EVERYTHING. i left school on wend.(crying) over practically NOTHING. I finially talked to my mom about it but she blows it off and was just like.."you dont want to have to start taking pills for everything you do like your brother and your grandma.." i was like "well, its only gettin worse, i hate myself over everything and i dont really look forward to anything at all anymore." but i dont know. The counsolor at school called my mom today to talk to her about my grades and now im probably goin to be grounded and i hate it. its only going to make me feel worse b/c being around ossie makes me happy and i probably wont be able to hangout for a while... but she doesnt want to think im depressed since my brother is depressed and has ADHD and some other stuff. Shes too busy with everything goin gon in her own life right now. She works all day and then has meetings when shes off or is in her "bird room" with all her birds that she raises until like 9:30 at night. I hardly get to talk to her. if I do it always seems like i make her mad or bother her. I really do love her so much and I just want someone to talk to. Especially when ossie isnt around i have no one. I dunno though. oh well... if i get grounded, who cares..i dont care anymore.
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