Ten Things:
Ten things that make you angry.
1. Black Riders with their swords
2. What Saruman did to the men and orcs in Isengard
3. ... ? ...
Ten thing you'd rather being doing.
1. Skipping the first _ten things_ list
2. Smoking my pipe in the garden
3. Reading Unkle Bilbo's journal
4. Brushing my feet and getting a pedicure
5. Visiting M'lady Goldberry and Tom Bombadil
6. Dabbling my feet in the Bywater
7. Eating Dinner.
8. Eating Second Dinner
9. Giving away birthday presents
10. Drinking some of the Old Gaffer ale.
Ten things you are most proud of.
1. Being a part of the Fellowship of Nine
2. Helping Sam to grow
3. Letting Saruman go
4. Making it to Mount Doom
5. Being considered a "pupil" of Gandalf
6. Serving as a mayor, for only a year
7. That I am a Baggins
8. Especially since I am considered a bit eccentric like Unkle Bilbo
9. Seeing Lorien and Rivendell
10. That Sam,Gollum,and I saved Middle Earth
Ten things you are most ashamed of:
1. My failure in the Mountain, when I claimed the Ring
2. Not leaving The Shire before the Riders appeared
3. Leading Sam to his almost death in Mordor, though I believe he would have followed me anyways
4. Not being able to save Gollum in the end
5. Putting on the Ring on Weathertop
6. For not realizing that my journey was far darker than I expected, earlier.
7. Letting Saruman go
8. Getting stung by a "mere" spider
9. Fighting with Boromir
10. That I am not out in my garden right now, smoking my pipe.