[ The feed clicks on to reveal Jesse, looking slightly disheveled - she's been helping Louis clean his living space the entire day, which includes sweeping, dusting and mopping - and with a smudge of something high on her forehead
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They're the ones that control peoples' emotions here, to a certain extent. I'm not really sure of what they are exactly, myself; I only know what I've heard from Louis and Raven.
Maybe I was under their influence a bit myself, I'm not really sure.
[ It would explain her need to get as far away from him as possible, when in fact she's done the exact opposite for as long as she's known him. ]
Is something wrong, Jesse?
No, nothing's wrong...I just wanted to talk to you.
... [ ...Slightly awkward. ]
How are you?
What is this about?
I guess I miss you.
[ Inadvertently baring her neck a bit for the camera. ]
... I take it Louis talked with you.
He has. He seems to think you might have been under the effect of the Animus.
[ She's hoping that's the case. But he's still living with the slayer, and anything could happen, really, with time. ]
[ That earns you a confused - and worried - look. ]
Maybe I was under their influence a bit myself, I'm not really sure.
[ It would explain her need to get as far away from him as possible, when in fact she's done the exact opposite for as long as she's known him. ]
[ He then smiled. ]
I'd hope so.
[ That smiles makes her hopeful. ] You know, I'm living with Louis, now. You should come visit us.
I know Louis would like very much to see you, too.
Whenever you would like. I don't think Louis and I have any plans at the moment.
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