
Feb 24, 2005 16:47

I haven't slept since Wednesday morning.

Since 10th February I have stood on three lakes, a river, a creek and a beaver dam (undented afterwards), slid on icy mountain paths in the Rockies and worn skis twice. No trees came to serious harm from the latter.

In a zoo I saw snow leopards, jaguars (indoors), lions and tigers in the snow, hippos underwater, lynxes, cougars, wolves and bears. There is some (digital) photographic evidence.

I heard a nearby owl in the wild and saw a (gyr?)falcon fly overhead.

I saw the Northern Lights; not at their multicoloured most fantastical but green-greyly ghosting for over an hour.

On landing, I saw the green of grass under the usual drizzly sludgy sky and realized that I'd missed the green. I came back into Oxford and realized again how beautiful the buildings are and how lucky I am event to take them for granted.

But I want to see summer in Canada now I've seen it snowy. After all, there's green there too at times.

writing, diary

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