Homeopathy - rather belated collation of Parliamentary Committee discussion

Dec 11, 2009 19:44

UK Parliament Science and Technology Committee discussion of evidence for the alternative therapy homeopathy. Oxford MP shines.

Video / text extracts
(If first doesn't work, try BBC one) and the Guardian's summary


Incisive comment/celebration

http://www.layscience.net/node/828 Homeopathy the evidence check: Part 1
http://www.layscience.net/node/825 - press statement a week after the debate
http://www.badscience.net/2009/11/parliamentary-science-and-technology-select-committee-on-homeopathy-today/ Bad Science on the discussion
http://www.badscience.net/2009/11/all-bow-before-the-mighty-power-of-the-nocebo-effect/ Bad Science on Nocebo effects

http://crispian-jago.blogspot.com/2009/12/python-in-boots.html The comedy of it - with affectionate respect to a certain parrot sketch

Some media responses

'This Morning on the BBC one of the Magic Water merchants was given a ludicrously easy ride.' http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8382265.stm

WARNING - following are videos giving the 'science' of homeopathy.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0c5yClip4o Aargh
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpC8BvHyorg&feature=player_embedded Aargh AArgh from http://www.homeopathyworldcommunity.com/video/the-mechanism-how-homeopathy

science, health

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