Let me set things straight.

Jul 06, 2006 19:19


  • Poon Hound. This is ridiculous, as I have never hunted for poon, nor do I have a nose adequate for smelling it from miles off.
  • Ass Grabber. Ok, so I like to grab-ass, but it's all in fun. What man on this earth doesn't enjoy the suishy flesh of a woman's ass oozing between his fingers? YOU TELL ME WHO DOESN'T AND I SHALL STOP. (Sorry, Barbara...that was uncalled for. But you do have a nice ass.)
  • Pervert. Look...I am a man. I like women. I like their breasts, and I like to touch them. I like looking at them. Just because I poke them, make a point to mention how round they are in public, or stare obnoxiously at them, DOES NOT MAKE ME A PERVERT. I AM A COMEDIAN.
  • HUGE pervert. Well, I am tall. See above.
  • Womanizer. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. A-ha. Ha. That's just...flattering, A. And untrue, B.
  • Disgusting asshole. Thank you!
  • Jenny McCarthy's boy toy. Well, I heard that if you believe something hard enough, it comes true. Thanks, Science! You really came through for me on that one. Oh shit, I said that out loud. Um...*clears throat* Don't tell J-Lo. If you're reading this baby, it's all lies, ok? I wasn't french-kissing Jenny McCarthy in my car for hours. We aren't dating, ok? You're the one I love, right? Oh, by the way...how's MARC DOING?!

  • So if any of you have unpleasant nick-names for me, feel free to post them below. I'm just DYING to hear them.
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