Okay so I should be doing that too, but meh. My sister has studied more for exams than I have and she's fourth form. Her exams count for shit.
Tonight I am partying, whoo.
Two days ago a sparrow got into our house and was fluttering around the lounge and Fawkes our budgie was freaking out. I was really no help at all.
Linz: *sees sparrow flying spastically into window* AHHHHH BIRD FLU!!!
Linz: *flees the room*
Then yesterday a different sparrow got inside our house (or maybe it was the same confused one, who can tell for sure?). I found it this morning, dead on the window sill. I mean, BAD OMEN OR WHAT. 0_0
As a sneaky way of luring
aim_toothpaste back to Livejournal-land I shall post my English essays that she asked for instead of emailing them to her muahaha.
On second thought, maybe not.
Also: Writers do it on desks.
That would be nice on a t-shirt for x-mas, I think.