It's done! I made a total of
178,692 steps in fourteen days which I think is a pretty good effort for a woman who has had a fear/hatred of sport and exercise since a young age (The required number of steps for each person on the team to make up 10,000 a day for two weeks is 140,000.). In addition to my personal success, the Expedition team is currently at
24th place out of 159 teams! I say currently because steps are still being tallied in the system.
I am still taking donations up until April 30th, so please do not hesitate to help out in anyway you can either by donating if you haven't already or sending on these links to your loved ones.
I would like to thank everyone who has supported me and the team so far. It means so much to us and means even more to the patients at the Royal Children's Hospital, more than you or I could possibly imagine.
Much love, Nikki J