Oct 26, 2005 15:25
I felt the need to update, but I can't think of anything to say. That could possibly be a reflectoin of my fairly dull life.
One new thing - my dad is in town, which would normally be awesome but as of late he is in a constant, impossibly aggrivating mood. Ah well, I guess he has good reason to be. And it really doesn't have much to do with me, so who am I to be offended? Although it is my dad, who I hardly ever see. Whatever.
I'm finding that that word, that "whatever" word, which I used to abhor, is quite an incredible word. You can use it for absolutely anything. Any conflict, whether bewteen one person and ther own mind, or between one person and another, can simply be schlepped of to the far reaches of Whateverland simply by the voicing of one single word. Whatever. Despite the fact that it is merely a way of throwing your hands in the air as if to discard the subject which is causing a "pickle", I find it quite handy. Does any one agree?
Finally, I have decided to post a question at the end of every enntry from ow on.Some may require deep contemplation, others may be partaining to more shallow matters.
Anyway, here is the first question:
If it were before the Holocaust and you saw Adolf Hitler in a bar, would you kill him?
♥ Whatever.