Full Name: Svetlana Aleksandrovna Ivanova
Nicknames: Svetla, Sveta
Birthdate: February 28
Age: 26 in the timeline when she meets the DuMornes
Phobias/Fears: Failure; death of loved ones.
Intolerances/Annoyances: Self-neglect, betrayal.
Quirks/Habits: Plays with her earrings when nervous. Sometimes looks at people with slightly unfocused eyes. Often doodles on paper when sitting to listen/read/study, but generally destroyes all of those.
School: Various training locations, apprenticed to various wizards - since her talent is relatively rare, she didn't get attached to one wizard to train her, but rather was passed around to be taught as much as was possible. She also went through the undergraduate and part of the graduate non-magical schooling course (the parts where she wasn't dangerous to patients on life support systems; she doesn't hold a non-magical MD practice permit)
Occupation: Almost completely trained healer, sent for practice at the Archangel compound for in-the-field and theoretical vampire courts victims practice.
Sexuality: Straight. Ish.
Finance: Independent.
Home: Born in St. Petersburg, but with her eclectic training hasn't built up a home of her own. Yet.
Parents: Aleksandr and Anya Ivanovi
Siblings: Sergey Ivanov.
Spouse/Serious Lover: None (to start with)
Marital Status: Single
Children: None
Height: 5'7
Build: Thin
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark blonde.
Defining marks: No scars, but maybe a tiny colourful tattoo at the back of the hipbone.
Dress Style: Casual, a little eclectic in forms, but usually in pale or earth colours, not really attracting attention. When she dresses up, it's in beautiful bright shades, like azure blue, but not irritatingly/screamingly vivid.
The Character Physically
1. What is the character's stature and build? Is she overweight? Thin? What is her height and weight?
Svetlana is in the taller part of average height, and thin. If she were shorter, the adjective would probably be 'slight'.
2. How old is she?
She's 26 when she's at Archangel at the same time as the DuMorne siblings (first). She's almost completed her training.
3. Describe her posture. Is it good? Does she carry himself well? Is she crooked? Straight?
She walks straight, if relaxed. It isn't a proud put-myself-forward kind of straight, more a case of bearing herself, barely consciously, in a way that is least harmful for her body - straight to not cause the spine to go crooked, to allow better access of oxygen to the lungs, etc.
4. Is she in good shape or out of condition? Is she muscularly weak or strong?
Svetlana is in fairly good shape, as in fit for her build, but she's by no means muscular. She's better at the efforts that require last effort than those requiring immediate strength, she's very resilient and can give out effort for a long time than supposed. Generally knows how to pace herself physically. Which is a necessity since the effort of healing drains her hard.
5. How is her health? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
Nothing but what the psychic/magical strain puts on her.
6. Is she physically active or sedentary? A fast or slow mover?
The air around her doesn't crackle with energy; however, nobody can mistake her with lazy. She's... fairly active, unless she's recovering from a major healing effort when she needs to preserve all her energy possible.
7. Is she clumsy, awkward, graceful?
She's fairly graceful. Unconsciously so, since very little of her attention is paid to how she moves, but her mother came from a family with a long-standing tradition as dancers, and it reflects on her.
8. Does she move in straight or curved lines? Is she physically tight or fluid?
It depends on how she's feeling. If she's all right, fluid. When she's exhausted/drained, the steady lines turn a little more wavy, but she usually doesn't do a lot of moving right then anyway.
9. What are her chief efforts?
Healer. It's what she was found to be able to do, with a rarely found ability, and she's relatively dedicated to that.
10. Is the character good-looking, pretty, beautiful, average, plain, ugly, disfigured?
Pretty. But most of that comes from inner... self. And kindness.
11. Is the character aware of herself physically? Her looks?
Partly. She has been admired for her looks at times, but while she finds she looks 'OK', she doesn't find herself anything special.
12. Describe her complexion and skin. Dark, light, clear, marked?
Fair, slightly freckled.
13. Describe her hair, coloring, styling. Is it taken care of?
Dark blonde. Worn fairly long, it becomes wavy with moisture, but can be fairly straight at times. She takes care of it, though nothing elaborate. If she's keeping herself drained for extended periods of time, her hair starts looking decidedly worse (also, her nails starts breaking more easily, a her skin starts looking dry and exhausted).
14. How is her usual dexterity? Does she have good hands: Can she do things? Is she a worker?
Svetlana is right-handed. She is not clumsy with her hands, but she's not learned many pratcial things to make with them (crafts, for example) beyond knitting and a bit of sewing. Which she doesn't do more often than needed, but is neat and organised about.
15. Is she physically tense or relaxed, nervous, controlled?
Controlled. Especially at times when her control of her Sight is less tight than others, she may be particularly tense. When she's in a healthy environment or can shut it better down, she's almost relaxed at times.
16. What are her chief tension centers?
The Sight, therefore the head.
17. What part of her body would you notice first?
Eyes, probably. Figure.
18. Describe her basic gravity factor. Is there a downward pull or buoyancy?
The Character's Clothes
1. How much clothes does this character have?
She's used to living at various places so she doesn't indulge in extensive clothes collections.
2. What items are in her wardrobe?
Jeans, blouses, shirts, sweaters, skirts, hoodies. A couple of good jackets, in Archangel. A couple of dresses. A set of robes.
3. What are her favorite articles of clothing?
A plain cream dress, almost shift-like. Ankle-length, medium-long sleeves, V-neck, embroidered around the neck, sleeve edges, and hem.
4. What colors are the clothes? Is there a wide range? Bright or dull? What are her favorite colors to wear?
It's mostly pale colours, or earth colours (still, nothing particularly dark). Formal clothes in brighter shades, but not irritatingly vivid.
5. Are her clothes bright or dull?
6. Were they bought or home-made, hand-me-downs, expensive?
Bought, nothing spectacularly expensive, but nothing that's irritating or looks very poor. She does wear home-knit items.
7. What is one of her favorite items to wear?
The cream dress; White jeans and tan blouse or sweater.
8. Do her clothes fit well?
9. Is she comfortable in what she wears? Does she "fight" her clothes?
She puts on clothes in the morning and generally forgets about them. So, fairly comfortable.
10. Is she confident about the way she dresses, or uneasy?
She makes sure she's not irritating, and that's about it, that way.
11. Does she care for her clothes? Keep them up and neat? Is she worried about how they look?
Yes, she takes good care of her clothes; it goes with the fact that she doesn't indulge in many, so she needs them to be in reasonable condition.
12. Does she have to dress a certain way because of her job or position? If so, do her usual clothes fit her real, basic character?
Mmm she uses medic-like items to put over her clothes when called for healing - if possible. If not, well, whatever she is in does well enough. If too much blood goes on it... well. There's always a chance for a bit more shopping.
13. Does she dress according to a self image of himself? Is that self image conscious or unconscious? At what age was this self image made?
She dresses avoiding an image she really doesn't want to get into - that of a dark, closed-in person. (Not that she could be that, but it's still something she sees too often and is working hard to avoid.) The anti-image rose up when she was recovering from her first uncontrolled opening of the Sight.
14. What kind of underwear does she wear?
Take her to the swimming pool and you can see her bathing suit? If that's any help.
The Character's Voice
1. Does she speak in a high or low pitch voice? When might she be higher than usual? When lower?
Her voice is light - not too low, but not too high-pitched either. Warm. It might get a bit higher when she's frightened.
2. Is she a loud or soft talker?
Medium. You don't have to strain to hear her, nor does she command a room's attention every time she openes her mouth. When upset or angry, her voice becomes more quiet.
3. Is there a wide range in the voice in volume, pitch and/or quality, or is the voice pretty consistent and even?
Normally, her voice is pretty even. It takes strong emotions for her to break away from the usual level, and it's rarely into growing louder. Mostly if she's very merry/amused, it might become louder. A little.
4. Is there good resonance to her voice? Is the voice throaty, chesty, heady, nasal?
Throaty. If you pay attention, it's relatively distinct, but doesn't grate at your attention if you're concentrating on something else.
5. Is there tension in the voice? Anxiety? Emotion?
There's usually a bit of tension because of covering up from the effects of the dribbling Sight. Other than that, it's relatively calm and smooth.
6. Is there an accent? Anything unusual in pronunciation? Emphasis? Phrasing?
Hah. Well, she's Russian. But she's been trained all over the world. She's good at her Latin, and reasonably good at English. Knows a bit of French - understanding more than speaking, coming from the Latin roots.
7. Is it a trained voice, or just natural?
8. Does the character "try" to speak well or just "how it comes out"?
How it comes out.
9. Is the speech clear or muddy? Does she mumble? Is she distinct?
She's clear and distinct. When she's not certain in her English, she'll talk more slowly, but she'll try to make sure she's understood.
10. Is the voice comforting or irritating? Reassuring or disturbing?
Generally, reassuring and a little comforting.
11. Is she self-conscious when he speaks to others? How large a group could she speak to before she became self-conscious?
Hmmm. She doesn't have much of a problem with self-consciousness unless she has to talk about herself. She's not too good at speaking before large groups because she rarely can capture their attention completely (her sense of humour is very shy), but when she needs to, she won't panic. Much.
The Character's Mind
1. Is the character smart, dumb, naive?
She is smart, she's done a lot of learning and doesn't plan on stopping. She's Seen too much to be really naive, but she's quiet/unassuming enough to sometimes leave that impression.
2. Does she think quickly? Slowly? Is she quick-witted? Dull?
She is able to think quickly, relatively. She is quick-witted enough to catch a lot of 'wit', but rarely dares to employ any, because she's seen how, even unintentionally, damage has been done by inadverent witty remarks.
3. What kind of education has she had?
Eclectic. She's had most of a non-magical medical education, but other than that, it's been as an apprentice to various healers, each teaching her some and then finding out who might continue work on her. She's generally not lived in the same location for more than two years since before she was sixteen.
4. What subjects does the character have knowledge or expertise in?
Medicine, healing.
She's not good at a. completely shutting down her Sight, and b. cleanly working with the elements, for magic. She can do simple things, and at times more complicated ones, but often enough she just ends up dealing with energy in a way that can make her almost useless in a fight.
5. Is the character impulsive or deliberate in reaching conclusions? Is she logical, rational, or emotional?
Impulsive and emotional (empathetic...) but she tries to balance that by imposing rationality on herself.
6. Does she think out things before she speaks or can she "think on her feet" as she is speaking?
She doesn't consider herself as good at thinking on her feet, so she tries to think before speaking.
7. Does she have contemplative times? What does she think about when alone?
Yes, she has. She sometimes needs time alone to come to terms with what she's Seen around herself.
8. Is she an idealist? A pragmatist? A dreamer? An idea woman? An action woman?
An idealist, really. She'll act towards her ideals, too.
9. Is her life motivated chiefly by abstract ideals or practical rewards?
Practical... achievments.
The Character's Emotions and Personality
1. Is she an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvert, though not extremely so.
2. Does she get along well with people? Does she have charm? Are people attracted to her? Does she like people?
She gets along with people, mostly by effor to be inabrasive of her part. She does have a quiet, contained sort of charm, though she's not a head-turner that way. She loves people. Her work is to help people.
3. Does she have many friends? Any close friends?
The people whose life she touches remain warm towards her generally. But she has almost no close friends. Maybe her brother, despite the distances, is closest. She's not been rooted at one place for long enough for any friendship to truly take root.
4. Is she hot-blooded or cool-headed?
Passionate about the things she decides to be.
5. Does she have a narrow or wide range of emotions? Do they show often?
Wide range, though it's rare that they reach extremes.
6. Does she indulge in emotional peaks, outbursts, or valleys? Often?
No, she doesn't indulge. But she can recognise when it's time to let control go.
7. Would you say she is basically sensitive or calloused?
Sensitive. All the way.
8. Is she suspicious, cautious, trusting, or naive about new people or situations?
Trusting, though not naive. She knows that in tight situations she needs help, freely admits it to herself, and will turn to others for that help.
9. Is she an aggressive or reactive person? Is she a pusher or a puller?
Both active and reactive. More of a puller, though.
10. Does bhe take positive or negative action?
11. In a danger or emergency situation would she go to it or run away from it?
If it's dangerous for herself? She'd run away with no qualms. If she's fighting for somebody's life though? She's standing her ground till she wins. Dangerous, that.
12. Is the character basically nervous or calm?
Learned calm.
13. Does the character have a sense of humor? Does she appreciate jokes? Can she see humor in unfunny situations? Can she laugh at himself?
Yes she does, though the expression of it is very shy and rare. She does appreciate jokes, especially clever ones. She can mock herself; and in some unfunny situations, she can see humour. She sees humour in absurdity, and that helps a bit. She doesn't laugh or smile too often, though, she often sees to much of what's going on underneath to do that.
14. Can she tell a funny story or joke? Do others find her amusing?
Rarely. Must be a very special relaxed moment. She's rarely amusing or tentertaining, but she can be... she can lighten the mood a bit.
15. Is she a practical joker? What is her opinion of tricks or jokes played on other people?
No, she isn't. Again, she's seen how honestly intended fun has caused more harm than could be foreseen, so she avoids that risk.
16. Is her humor ever cruel?
Never, ever by intention.
17. Under what conditions could she be harmful or mean or cruel to another person?
Harmful, any time she tries to heal something she can't, there's a risk that she'll cause more harm than good. (Yes, that's not in the question.) Mean or cruel, rarely intentionally. Harming somebody who she's emotionally vested in, perhaps, like a barely-saved patient. Family. Beloved.
18. Is she a loving person? Is she full of love and giving or rather bound and tight in this area? Is she capable of relation to others in a loving way? Is she capable or relating to one specific person in a romantic way?
Yes, she is, very much. She's not had a real opportunity to form a deep deep connection with anybody outside family; however, she's not been swept off her feet by emotion either. She's had emotional connections in the past, but they never got the chance, time-wise, to grow into something more encompassing. But she is capable.
19. Is she loved by any other people? In what way?
Family, patients. Those who've trained her. She gives a little bit of herself to everybody she heals, in a way; few people touched this way can hate her.
20. Is she romantically in love now? With whom? Is this a happy, rewarding or frustrating situation for her?
Not yet.
The Character's Wealth, Power, and Influence
1. Does this person have much money? Does it provide position or respect from others for him?
She's independent. When it showed how her way of life will be very mobile, etc., her father (who has reasonable business profits) set up accounts for her that are sufficient for the time being.
2. Is she generous or selfish with his money and possessions?
3. Is the character socially prominent? Is she prominent from wealth, position or office, family history, ability or accomplishment?
Not too prominent, though her self-giving and dedication - and almost uniqueness - give her a position of respect that may grow into more.
4. Does the character rate high in the "pecking order" with her household? Town? Area? Nation? World?
5. Does this person wield much clout? Over whom and by what means?
She doesn't think so.
6. Can she command others to do his bidding, by word or manipulation?
No command. But she chooses her requests carefully so that people tend to comply with them. And, if she put her mind to it, she could manipulate people, but she finds that distasteful and, hereto, unnecessary.
7. How does she get his wishes daily?
Hah. Well, if you count managing to heal people, she does that by hard work?
8. To whom is she subservient? Is this submission willing or unavoidable?
She's been an apprentice until relatively recently, so she still has some of the habits from that. But generally, if she obeys somebody, it's by choice, not coercion.
The Character's Activities
1. How does the character spend her time?
Studying, healing/working when it's needed. Travelling to get to places where that's needed, at times. Physical practices. Rest, after extensive healing. Reading.
2. What does her daily routine consist of?
If there are no emergency / healing session out of the timing / travelling: Shower, breakfast, study, practice, more study, socialize, meditate, read, sleep.
3. What is her profession or work?
4. What things does she really like to do?
Reading and doing her job.
5. What things does she hate to do?
Failing to heal somebody.
6. What are her leisure time activities? Pastimes? Recreation?
Reading, meditations, physical pracitce, knitting.
7. Does she play games? What kind?
Not much, really.
8. Does she like to eat or drink? How important to her are food and drink?
She likes it, but she eats to live, not vice versa. She adheres to a food regime, if possible, and balanced food; because when needed, that way she recovers her energy most quickly.
Her favourite fruit is the pomegranate.
9. How important is sex to her? What sexual activities does she partake in? Anything unusual?
She says it's a healthy activity, but the details are kind of personal.
10. Is her exactitude about sex healthy or disturbing to her? Is sex a rewarding, enriching part of this person's life or is it frightening, anxious, or frustrating? Is sex a positive or negative factor in her life?
It's a positive factor.
The Character's Favorite Things
1. Colors? Gold, azure blue, white.
2. Food? Pomegranate, roasted almonds
3. Drinks? Water, tea
4. Smells? Cocoa; freesia, roasted almonds
5. Time of day? Dusk
6. Season of the year? Late spring
7. Books? The Secret Garden
8. Kinds of literature? Rarely goes into horror stories, but almost anything else.
9. Authors? Pushkin
10. Places to visit? Forest
11. Kinds of music? Hippie, actually. That's the influence that ends up in her clothes cuts being somewhat ecclectic.
12. Musical Instruments? Saxophone, human voice, guitar
13. Composers? Handel
14. Metals; gold, iron, copper, pewter, etc.? Silver, pewter. Though her jewellry leans more to wood and leather and beads.
15. Building materials; stone, wood, clay, tile, etc.? Wood
16. Fabrics; silk, wool, linen, etc.? Cotton, soft wool
17. Pieces of furniture? A paperweight that was a present
18. Plants? Geranium
19. Flowers? Lily-of-the-valley
20. Trees? Ash
21. Birds? Swans
22. Animals? Wolves
23. Miscellaneous? An anklet that gives a faint tinkle when worn.
24. Modern Fairytale? Pollyanna
Character's Religion
1. What are her specific religious beliefs? Does she belong to a specific sect or creed? Does she advocate that group's beliefs?
She was raised as Russian Orthodox christian, but travelling has exposed her to varied beliefs, and she thinks that no one religion can really hold all the truth. She does believe in a higher power, but is unlikely to try to change anyone's views of the world by arguing.
2. How important is religion to her?
It's an item in her attempt to understand the world?
3. Is she pious, devout?
Not... particularly.
4. In what religious activities does she engage? What percentage of her time is devoted to it?
She follows local traditions. Especially if she happens to be with her family about that time.
5. How does religion motivate her actions or affect them?
It doesn't.
Character's Fears
1. What things frighten her?
Loss. Harming instead of helping. Betraying faith.
2. Is she motivated by fear?
She tries hard not to be.
3. To what extent is she motivated; never, occasionally, usually, constantly?
Almost constantly. When she's very low on energy, she's prone to brief melancholy-to-depressive moments, but they are overcome as her strength returns.
4. What would this character think were the three most terrible things that could happen to her?
1. Failing in what she does. 2. Losing those she cares about. 3. Betraying those who have faith in her.
5. What would she think were the three most wonderful things that could happen to her?
1. Making her loved ones happy. 2. Never ever lose a patient again. 3. Find one person for whom she means the world and who means the world for her.
6. What is the one thing she doesn't want anyone to find out about her?
Just how traumatising the constant part-openness to the Sight is.