Oh, I keep forgetting I have this journal thing.

Jan 09, 2010 03:49

Here's some boring news about myself I never post about except on my twitter.

Spring semester starts next week.

I have a sinus infection.

I bought a shirt that's obviously art theft because it had Battle Toads on it. It said TOADALLY RAD. fffffffffffff

Bought my first scarf and a winter hat that covers my ears with fuzzy flaps. I am so ready to bike in the half cm of snow.

Dragon Age: Origins is one of the coolest western RPGs I have ever played.

I'm changing Rabies from a doberman to a pit bull terrier. Coat choices and patterns are nearly unlimited and I find the breed quite adorable.

Will probably turn this journal into just an art journal with the occasional meme, I don't like collecting my tweets and then putting them together for a post here. I still get notifs for comments and notes though so it's not like I'm leaving LJ forever, haha. I could never do that man.

Currently working on part one of a two part character sheet commission of a tauren showing him at a younger and then an older age with a few different traits such as having 5 fingers and no underbite. He has no drawings of his character whatsoever so it's another blind commission. I actually find it pretty fun. Lots of communication between artist and commissioner here.

General build sketch. He's solid but not raging biceps bursting out.

Armor design chosen for the younger version character sheet.

Armor design chosen for the older version character sheet.

This one just didn't get picked at all.

art, furry

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