Tuesdays are kind of my "end of the weekend," because I only have class on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, so I'm a little disappointed that it's almost time for classes again this week. At least in undergrad, my classes were three hours long at the most, and now they are all four hours long and on Wednesday, back to back so I pretty much have class from 8 to 5 straight. VOMZ.
What's taking up most of my time (I seriously just almost wrote "life," of which, now that I think about it, is very close to being true) is this one class that I somehow got put in that is an Advanced Flash and Digital Interactive Media (tongue twister) where we pretty much have to concept, design, and program a web app. Now, I'm down with the concept (barely) and design aspects of this, but the programming makes me seriously want to set myself on fire and bludgeon myself with a lead pipe (thanks,
notraffic). The worst part is that the rest of the class definitely...gets it. They even make ActionScript jokes!
Teacher: "Well, I added a semi-colon BEFORE the stop action, instead of AFTER, bwahahahaha!!!"
Everyone but me: Ahahaha, that is so humorous and full of funny!
Me: ...bwhuh!??
I compare it to someone who has never spoken French in their life, trying to learn French...in French. Not good. I tried to read this text we're supposed to have read, um, last week, and I can't even get through the first 20 pages. The first time I tried, I just got so frustrated and confused. The second time, I ended up in an accidental!nap. Failure.
THE POINT OF THIS POST (if there ever was one, lolzzzz) is that I'm still working on all that crazy ficcage I talked about a few postings ago, but haven't had much time to look at it because of said programming-class-that-makes-me-want-to-die. Which sucks, because I think the GW one is actually something I'm going to not hate 30 seconds after I post it. D:
I kind of also want to write a kakasaku AU that deals with politics and/or Wall Street and/or business setting. Hm.