Mar 05, 2012 20:28

This weekend was filled with:
Good times
Zero fucks.
Bjork (homghomghomg)
Warhorse on Broadway (homg puppets)
Moar beer
Zombie Run
Dancing in inappropriate industrial goth clubs?
Moar beer
The Quality train.
Fried Eggs.

This weekend resulted in:
Good times.
Zero fucks.
A mysterious cut on my left asscheek.
Happy Joon.
A cold (boo.)

So, all in all, good times, esp hangin' out with MAH GURLZ notraffic and deadcellredux who I haven't seen in forevah evah. Forevah evah. I've been hiding out and holing up at home (alliteration!) lately because of all of Joon's recent vet bills = making me poor. It's all right--moar time for videogames.

Of which I finished Neir and Final Fantasy XIII-2. The former being amazing and the latter being amazing UNTIL THE LAST TEN MINUTES OF UTTER BULLSHIT. Has anyone else played XIII-2? I WOULD LOVE YOUR THOUGHTS.

Anyway, time to Skward Sword and eat chicken soup until I stop coughing so hard it feels like my brain is dislodging with every hiccup of my diaphragm.

i love my f-list, ah mah gah, irl

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