Jun 02, 2009 02:02
I was working on cleaning up the final part (for reals, I swear) of Office Duties, and talking through it with my temporary beta over the phone (I know, whut iz thiz ancient device? Cord and all.) and the two of us have been fandom nutbags for the past week (which is why the sudden fic!vomit happened as of recent), and I guess I miss having a community of people to talk fandom with.
Part of me is distancing myself from joining a bunch of communities / forums / etc, because of certain shit that happened in the GW fandom years ago, but I suppose a large part of me wishes to have some kind of group of friends, online or irl, to. You know. "OMG LAME PLOT IS LAME BUT KAKASHI'S STILL ALIVE WAH!" and not get a blatant "...wth are you talking about?"
In addition, I remember really taking the time to review and give critical feedback to "my group"'s stories, and getting the same treatment, knowing that we weren't strangers and could be honest and forthright with each other without fear of stepping on anybody's sensitivity. I miss that. I'm acquantainces with a few other writers online, and I guess because I'm fairly "new" to all this, and I don't know the community very well, I get a little nervous about giving extended feedback. Or, I'm all like "ILUVYRSTORYGUHHH *FAPFAP*" and don't want to be...that creepy girl. Which, honestly, I could probably come off that way. Embarrassing.
So, maybe I should suck it up and look for some online communities or writers groups or something. It would benefit my writing, at least (even though I'm a fucking awkward social nightmare--THAT'S WHAT THE INTERNET'S FOR), and maybe I shouldn't worry so much about the events of the past and dive right in. I'm enjoying writing again, and hopefully when I'm all like "PLZ TO BE MY FRIEND" to whatever online forums I can find, they won't think that I'm a total tool. Or, they'll think I'm a total tool, but think my writing's okay. XD
Does anyone have any recommendations as far as online communities / groups / forums that fit this description? Well, off to bed. I'm done rambling for tonight. Plus, I need to get up early and paint a dragon. That's right. A dragon. This is what my life comes down to, folks.