Newsflash: Veronica Mars is still adorableeeeee

Jan 23, 2011 15:23

visited 24 states (48%)
Create your own visited map of The United States

I see that there is a BARREN WASTELAND OF NOTHING in the middle of the map. I really hope to visit Portland, soon.

Well, I got my entry in for the Poe Challenge. I don't know how I am doing in le poll, but I'm going to assume not as well as last time (and by the way, thanks everybody who voted for me to get me here to Round Two!). I feel like I was a little more literal with the prompt this time, and my entry wasn't as strong. There's five people to be eliminated and I THINK I MIGHT BE ONE OF THEM, so I'll hold off on starting the next prompt, even though it's super-tempting!

Today is one of my only days that I take off for myself, and I'm spending it with friends that I don't think I've been in a week or more. Now that the "icestorm" has passed, people are coming out of the woodwork again, and it's pleasant to see everyone's faces again, even if they are all red and puffy from the weather outside.

Also, I found out that Veronica Mars is on streaming Netflix, BEST NEWS OF LAST NIGHT.

rambling, tv, irl

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