If any of you follow the community that I help mod,
kakasaku, the lovely
nimblnymph has proposed and hosted a Holiday Exchange, where we posted what fics or fanart we'd love to receive for the holiday season. I ended up filling the prompt of my dear friend
bluerising, who is responsible for this bit of crack:
Edit: Some people are having trouble viewing, so I uploaded it to deviantart here:
http://alifestylechoice.deviantart.com/art/Secret-Agents-Hatake-Haruno-191787168 What Clear wanted:
So dearest Anon, all I ask for this Anonfest holiday is an AU fanart. One that involves Kakashi and Sakura fleeing from aliens. Whether they're scientists doing research, or just casual everyday citizens... the premise behind the scenario is really up to you. However, I don’t really want to see the aliens. Please Anon, I just want to see our favorite two heroes outrunning a UFO! Also... a tin-foil hat must be involved. Golly Gee Whiz. That would really make my year.
BECAUSE I AM A JACKASS, I forgot the tin-foil hat, and hope she will forgive me in lieu of Mulder and Scully-esque Kakashi and Sakura fleeing an alien spaceship like she asked.
Anyway, I thought I'd share here because it was a fun holidy meme that I hope we can continue to do every year in the spirit of the community. Everybody else, I hope you are celebrating the upcoming New Year however you see fit, and I wish you a happy one!