Otakon was a pretty big success for me in the ol' artist alley. And this was unexpected, mostly because my style has strayed from anime-land over the past couple of years, and I'm doing more original artwork as opposed to fanart (even though I totes enjoy doing fanart!!! when I have time D: )
BUT!!!! I sold well! And had an excellent place in the front of the alley. ACROSS FROM GUS FINK! Whose work I adore, and I have no idea why he was at an anime convention of all places, but I think he sold well, too, in spite of not having an anime-ish style at all! (Perhaps it's because the convention was just SOOOOO BIGGGG that there are BOUND to be fans? This is my thinking!!!)
HIGHLIGHT: Meeting up with
lulu42, and
nimblnymph, of course! YOU LADIES ARE AWESOME. I hope that someday we can hang out at a con where I'm not hunched over commissions and we can spend some actual time together. <3
That Uncle Iroh is actually my friend Karl who WAS THE PRESIDENT OF ANIME CLUB AT MY OLD COLLEGE, OH THE MEMORIES. I think he's now makin' a living doing stand-up at conventions as Uncle Yo! He's super funny and so easy-going and nerdy, just like always! His Uncle Iroh was HILARIOUS.
THEN I FOUND SOKKA AND TAI LEE. <3 That Sokka was so perfect--his facial expression is dead on!
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM BOUGHT MY ADVENTURE TIME PRINT. Lord, she was adorbs. I asked her, "May I take your picture?" and she IMMEDIATELY ASSUMED THIS POSE. <3
OH HAI SAILOR SATURN. I loved you, second only to the Gay-Scouts.
Was kind of losing my mind over this awesome Vanille cosplay, not only because it's a great costume with a badass weapon, but moments earlier I had witnessed a HORRIFICALLY DISAPPOINTING Lightning cosplay made entirely out of colored duct tape.
And to spare you my ULTRA-WITTY COMMENTARY (lawlz), here are some costumes that I either don't know where the hell they're from but loved their construction and styling, or adorable lolita outfits:
SO THAT IS IT FOR PICTURES. There are some with me in it, but NO ONE NEEDS TO SEE THAT. Plus, all the pictures of me were taken on Sunday when I had a greasemonster face and hair and had just huffed it to Kinko's and back for some last minute prints. EMBARRASSING.
So, the next con for me is NEW YORK FUCKING COMIC CON of which I'm super excited and nervous for, but a little more confident now that Otakon is over and done with. <3