Must stay awake. Must stay awake.

Feb 05, 2010 04:52

A few of those on my f-list (omizu and leafy_girl come to mind) have been making lists of all the things on their plates, and I am an unoriginal hack, so here is mine!

1. Finish (and, uh, start) HinaSaku Abduction!fic.
For the most part, I know what I want to do and how it plays out in my head, but I seriously just haven't had time to start writing it. Because it's femme!slash and not very popular, the pressure's off me a little bit. I'm looking forward to seeing how everybody answers this prompt! February 15--> A GOOD DAY.

2. Finish chapter three of APFN.
Because I like to torture myself, I've included the character that I think is the absolute hardest to write (Quatre) in this next part and he's featured fairly prominently. YOU ARE SO DIFFICULT, 04. I have about 1/2 written so far, but want to get this out ASAP--the last chapter went up a little over a month ago, eek.

3. Finish prompts from the Fic Request meme.
I just knocked out Clear's YamaSasu (Clear, what the hell, that was so hard) yesterday. I find that with these little one-shots, it's a different kind of pressure because I'm writing it for someone else (PPL THAT I CARE ABOUT THANX GAIZ) and I want to like it and want them to like it, too. <3 I filled the last slot with the genderswap!Kakashi fic that I have been promising sureasdawn for nine thousand years, so all my slots are filled (heh heh), thanks, f-list! I LOVE YOU GUYS AN UNHEALTHY AMOUNT. Next is writing for FFVII for the first time (oh boy), and moderndayportia's YamaSaku.

4. Finish draft of first six chapters of untitled Kakasaku long!ass!fic.
I'm more comfortable with the one-shot format (obviously, guh), so I've been challenging myself with this monster fic and APFN as an experiment for me in writing longer fic with more attention to plot than I have been writing in the past. I'm aware that most of my fic are more character study / interaction and lack a strong plot to keep it all together. I've written almost 28,000 words of it so far which is RIDICULOUS for me (and, I acknowledge, quite plebeian to the likes of some of you), and I was slowing down a little, which is why I really wanted to do the fic request meme to begin with--to get me out of this plot / world / mindfuck that I've created and write something fresh again.

5. Make my house look like I live in it.
I'm still only about 50% done with the new place, and there's just shit everywhere that needs to be thrown out / placed somewhere that makes better sense / put away where I'll remember it.

6. Finish my portfolio.
It's kind of pointless, because I have a job and everything, but I would like something nice to give to my mother ("HAY MOM HEER IZ $40,000 PORTFOLIO, LULZ!!!") and others who want to see what has consumed my life for the past two years. I might end up posting it here. I'm building the portfolio case myself, binding it myself, etc, so it takes some craft that I'm not used to, but I'm anal particular about how my work is presented and how it represents my point of view.

7. Take care of myself better.
Since 2010, I've been skipping meals, not sleeping, and generally exhausting myself. It's like 5 in the morning right now and I'm not even tired because I've been up all night the past week. No more.


list no jutsu, i fuck fandom & it don't even say thanks, writing is hard, i love my f-list, irl

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