Dec 30, 2009 04:49
So *cough* if you haven't heard, I was in attendance at a Lady Gaga concert and basically I think I died about 49 times and was revived each time by the sheer lucid insanity / pure epic nature that is the Gaga. Acoustic Pokerface? Yes, ma'am. Playing piano while standing on the piano bench in ten inch heels in nothing but a leotard and a headpiece? Yes, please. Entering the stage in a red sequined bikini on a revolving, rotating gynecological examining table? I think my life just began. I can't even begin to understand anything that just happened, but I think that was the fun of it. Thank you, Lady Gaga for giving me something perfectly mainstream and REALLY FUCKING WEIRD.
Anyway, because Lady Gaga blew my brains out, managing to write / edit this lastest chapter of GW fic was like pulling teeth. Writing for GW is this weirdly strenuous yet highly rewarding experience when you get it right. The world they live in is so complex and political and interests the fuck out of me--it brings out the hardcore perfectionist in me. It interests me to see how many fans of GW are still milling about. I want to write for Gundam 00 as well, once this current idea runs its course (maybe 1 or 2 more chapters, I keep adding, shitshitshit). Sure, mecha are pretty damn interesting to me (used to have dreams of my own, called it Stegasora, after my fave dinosaur, no joke), but the relationship of the pilots to the citizens to the government to the colonies just knocks me over with its attention to detail and emotional impact. A study of how people react as a mass. Agh, makes me excited! :DDD
Not many people I know are into "mecha" anime, maybe because it's common belief that the shows are usually not as character driven as they are plot driven, but I definitely beg to differ. I remember being very young (ALTHOUGH SOME OF YOU ON MY F-LIST WERE NOT EVEN BORN WHEN GW WAS FIRST AIRED FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) when I first watched Gundam Wing, and basically all the politics soared over my head and what interested me was the relationship of the pilots to each other and what they believed in, and I think that's what has me attached at the hip to the Gundam franchise.
I mean, what do you consider "mecha" anime? Like, ANY anime with mecha in it, or just certain ones? Some people consider Code Geass a "mecha," but I know others who don't. Same for Ghost in the Shell. Or, some people don't think that TTGL is a mecha anime, but I seriously think the way that they handled the mecha on that show was particularly unique and special to that show. So, because of its importance, would it be considered a "mecha" anime? QUESTIONS. I HAS THEM.
And, it's almost five in the morning and I have to go pick up a U-Haul truck in about five hours. Fandom is making me a crazy person.
And Lady Gaga.
i fuck fandom & it don't even say thanks,
i love my f-list,
i'm goo goo for gaga,