Mar 26, 2009 02:56
Well, I needed to make this list, so I thought I might as well lay it all out here.
Maybe if I make these things public, it will keep me motivated, yeah?
Thanks everybody, if you read this, for the very warm reception to my first couple fics. I'm still a little nervous about going back into fandom again, but so far, everyone has been very kind.
Stories at 90% (Fully written, waiting to hear back from beta-land):
- a sort of vague GW DxR ficlet (ohhh, god, my GW girls, how I love you)
- a Naruto Kakasaku longer one-shot
Stories at 50% (In the process of writing, almost done):
- a GW 6x3 one-shot that is making me lose my mind. In a good way.
- a Naruto KurenaixKiba one-shot that is...really just PWP D:
Stories at 20% (Bare bones are down, and I know where to go, just gotta get there):
- a multi-part, kind of angsty Naruto Kakasaku that is making me lose my mind. In a bad way.
- a DOGS ficlet about Haine / Nill