The following is a short Esca fic I wrote a while ago, but I've been thinking of continuing it, and I thought I'd post what I have so far.
But first, a bit of background:
For those who haven't experienced the glory that is Escaflowne, here's the scoop on the two main characters of this fic. By the way, this is very much post-series, so all those who fear spoilies, beware.
Van Fanel and Dilandau Albatou were mortal enemies in their youth. The first time they met face-to-face they had a swordfight, and Van gave Dilandau a scar on his right cheek. Dilandau pursued Van for revenge for this injury, causing a lot of crazed mayhem and destruction on the way. Van himself ended up doing some pretty crazy things as well, but I won't go too far into those. In the end, it was Dilandau who met his death.
In my own little imagining of the world of Esca, when people die they go to a place called Limbo, which is basically a big white empty space full of wandering souls. Limbo itself has its own hidden secrets, which may or may not be explained during the course of the fic.
Oh, and also, there's Cherandle. But we'll get to her later.
THE FIC (haven't thought of a title yet...)
And so he sat.
In the bright, empty whiteness, he sat in silence and solitude. Not speaking. Not even thinking. Just humming. Softly. To himself. A song that seemed almost and faraway familiar.
He had no idea he was dead.
He didn't have much of an idea of anything else, either- no memory of the life which had passed, no knowledge that anything had ever existed save the emptiness. He sat, his knees folded up to his chest, his wrinkled hands, with the skin pulled tight 'round bones and veins, resting on his knees. Humming softly. To himself. A song he seemed to be thinking up right on the spot, but somehow struck something deep in his soul.
Something he didn