Your Score: Lion Warning Cat
68% Affectionate, 57% Excitable, 48% Hungry
You are the good Samaritan of the lolcat world. Protecting others from danger by shouting observations and guidance in cases of imminent threat, you believe in the well-being of everyone.
To see all possible results, checka
The Which Lolcat Are You? Test written by
GumOtaku on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
The Dating Persona Test Too bad Monorail Cat isn't included. I am SO Monorail Cat.
50 BOOKS 2007
17)) Erebus, Shaun Hudson
18)) The Lord of the Rings: The Official Stage Companion, Gary Russell
So on Monday, they sprung the surprise news on us that the one and only Alan Rickman would be paying us a visit for a Q&A session the next day. And lo, July 17th shall henceforth be known as Alan Rickman Day.
Anyway, out of all the things he said, aside from all the stuff about actual, y'know, acting, one quote keeps coming back to mind:
'We'll all find out on Friday or Saturday what the hell I'm up to.'
Oh yes, Mr Rickman. Yes we will.
Going out tonight with my Hufflepuff tie and scarf to Waterstone's where I've reserved my copy. Cornmarket Street is going to be a MADHOUSE because there are at least 4 bookshops within a block of each other, and they're ALL having midnight release parties. So we are gonna party like the Twins.
A final word, and I have not been privvy to any spoilers whatever, so this is pure speculation: If it so happens that Harry has to die in order to save everything, so be it. But. If JK Rowling kills any of the Weasleys- especially Ron, Fred or George- I am going to fucking burn... not the book. But something.