...No, I'm not gonna tell you.
New Thing! So I've been thinking about it since Japan, and I've decided I really would like to have a tattoo. I've always kinda been intrigued by the idea in and of itself, but I never could think of a good idea for one until last summer. Since then I've been taking the advice of Mara, who I met in Japan, who said: "Think about it a long time, then decide on something. Then think about it summore." I've had the idea for at least half a year now, and I still like it.
Here's what it would be: the Japanese characters for "Once upon a time" (or literally, "Long long ago"), with a Celtic-knot-type circle around/behind them. I figure I would get that first, and maybe later add on the same phrases in English, German and/or Celtic in small letters around the outside edge of the circle. I would also want it to not be too big, and on my lower back as close to my tailbone as possible, so as to be as unobtrusive as possible for acting purposes.
Alas, the acting factor is what makes this a tougher decision than it would be if I were, say, an Engineering major. :P I've heard that actors with tattoos can have Troubles, even if they're out of the way. But I really want it. So I think I'm gonna ask around, to Dawn or whoever else I can think of, what the general attitude is. Are tats more of an overseeable annoyance to most directors, or will a majority just turn you away for it?
If anybody out there knows anything, please to share your experience.
I already have an idea for a second one, too, though this one would have to wait until:
A) I have well established myself as primarily a singer-songwriter, thus eliminating the tattoo-worries
or B) I'm a famous enough actress that it doesn't matter how many tats I have or where they are,
cause I'd want it to be the Faery Star, right on my chest where the necklace falls when I wear it. I find this idea incredibly rockin'.
Read My ResultTake the Test OH! Also. I've been tuning to the Music Video channel the last coupla times I've worked out in my apartment, and the other day when I turned it on,
This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race was on. Since then I've had it on iTunes for 2 days and it's almost up to 20 plays. The remarkable thing about it for me is I'm usually so lyrics-focused, but when I first heard this I couldn't understand a word and I still loved it.
the video is pretty awesome itself.
Since it was MTV, I have no doubt that this is being overplayed on the radio as we speak, but I don't listen to the radio anymore. And maybe some of you out there don't, either? Thus, I invite you to enjoy. :)
...Aaaaand now to the Japanese homework.