Nov 02, 2006 23:12

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BETTER FRIEND, CC! sorry about the no gift problem... but there will be one coming your way soon;)

K well at the last party it was pretty crazy too. Except this one ended earlier due to really drunk people. I dont know.. i guess people still did have a good time. Well i dont think there will be another one for about 2 weeks. And next time we learned no hooka!

K well ive decided to straighten myself out with school... that and my mom is kinda making me:|

I recently learned that my aunt and uncles dog had to be put down. and that sucks because i have memories of that dog from when i was 6.. she was a great dog and loved to play with the horses:) and she will be missed:(

K... nothing to do but waste time... so im gonna go do that.

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