A Few Rocks Fell - Part One

Aug 08, 2011 01:08

She looked down at her son Teddy. He was sleeping peacefully in his crib, blissfully ignorant of the war raging out in the world. The call for battle had been sounded. While Remus had answered the call to arms, Tonks had not.

Tonks promised she would stay behind. She promised that she would stay at her mother’s house and be with Teddy. However, as the minutes ticked on, Tonks realized that she would not be able to keep that promise. She paced, she tended Teddy, she tried to speak with her mother but in the end the waiting became unbearable. She had to know. Tonks had to know who lived and who died.

She stepped away from Teddy’s crib and walked over to small desk. They hadn’t gotten around to redoing this room yet. It was caught in the transition between nursery and office. Tonks had always believed there would be time to do spruce it up later. Time, she realized, might no longer be in abundance. The realization caused her to raise a hand to face where she covered her mouth to stop herself from crying. She allowed herself several deep breaths to steady herself before she sat down. A pad of paper and a pen were then pulled out, it was time to write.

The letter she wrote for her son, she wrote from the heart. Tonks hoped that should she not make it back that he would understand. She told him that she loved him, about who he was named for, Teddy's father, and finally the reasons for which she had to go to Hogwarts. Both heart and soul were poured into that letter. When it was complete Tonks placed it in an envelope. She wrote Teddy’s name on the front but did not seal it. Her mother might need to read it and there wasn’t the time to write a second one.

Her lips formed a thin line. She was going to cry again. If she stopped now she might not go and she had to go. It wasn't an easy decision, to leave her son. She had tried very hard to keep her promise but she couldn't. She had to know.

Tonks took the letter and placed it in clear sight on Teddy's changing table. Her next stop was Teddy’s crib. She placed a gentle palm on his stomach before bending down and kissing his forehead. He slept through the kiss and Tonks was grateful for that small thing. Teddy wouldn’t notice her leaving, she would simply be gone.

She turned around to leave and was surprised to see Andromeda standing in the doorway. “Mum, what are you doing? I’ve already checked on Teddy. He’s out like a light.”

Andromeda stood there in the doorway like a woman who had seen and lost too much. Her eyes searched her daughter’s face and her lips formed a thin line. “You’re going to leave, aren’t you?”

“Mum, I…”

Andromeda did not let her finish. “You promised! You promised you’d stay with Teddy, with me.”

Tonks felt her face grow warm and her eyes tear up. “Most of his life, he’s been alone. He’s had no one. How can I leave him alone now? What if he dies out there? Alone? No, I can’t. I have to go Mum, please. I’m sorry.”

“So am I.” Andromeda Tonks had been born a Black. With that family name came certain traits that couldn’t be wiped away by marrying a Muggleborn. Before Tonks could get another word in, her mother had her wand out. It was leveled at Tonks and before she could blink, Andromeda cast a stunning spell.

Tonks didn’t have her own wand out. Unable to deflect anything and caught completely unaware, the stunner hit her square in the chest. Her eyes closed and she crumpled to the ground. She was safe.

Nymphadora would not die that night but her husband and so many others would.

*a few rocks fell

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