Regarding Sages and Dear Multiverse

Dec 17, 2005 13:30

I'm going to pull a Wade here because I think he has the right idea and because I don't want to create a seperate account.

I'm going to start considering everything that goes on at Sages and Dear Multiverse completely seperated. What goes on at one does not effect the other. Right now I have some nifty threads going on with some a couple of friends who just play in Sages but most of my FL'ist just plays at DM. So yeah.

I don't know if I'm going to make this journal friends only and just make filtered posts for both groups or what. We'll see how it goes.

And unlike in Wade's post, you don't have to post a picture of a hot chick to comment.

Oh yeah, I've also cleaned up my FList. I only removed those that I've not seen any activity from in months. That's the only reason. I will add you back if asked.
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