Apr 06, 2008 14:53
This is the ninth day i've been stuck in bed. Last saturday I started getting pains all over my body and started throwing up every five minutes. I couldn't even open my eyes. Finally monday night I called the nurse at VCU and she said I needed to go to the hospital. So Joey left work and took me to the hospital. Melissa met us there. They stuck an IV in me filled with nausea medicine and painkillers and I finally started feeling better. Of course Melissa and Joey making an ass of themselves made me feel better too. We didnt realize the nurses station was right next to my room so they could hear everything we had been talking about. We realized it when they started saying how freezing it is in the hospital and all they give you is a sheet, when 2 seconds later the nurse walked in with a a blanket. Good times minus the whole pain thing. Turns out I have a kidney infection. The antibiotics finally started kicking in friday but I still can't get up and move around for long periods of time without getting dizzy. suckkkkks.
Joey has been so sweet throughtout all of this though. He layed there with me in a silent dark room when I couldn't stand noise or light for like 3 days, got me whatever I needed and just held me. I can't believe he didn't go crazy. He even called out of work a lot because I couldn't take care of myself. He's amazing. My parents didn't even come down to see me.
I've called out of work 6 times. They must hate me.
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning. Hopefully i'll be able to actually live and not be a vegetable soon or they'll give me more medicine. We'll see!