Nut Up or Shut Up

Sep 30, 2009 06:52

Got free passes for the Zombieland premiere at Block E last night. No cell phones or other recording devices blah blah blah.

It has the best of all worlds, in my mind.

Silliness and pacing of Shaun of the Dead.
End of the world, 4 travelers together scenario of 28 Days Later.
Joyous destruction like the original Dawn of the Dead.
Some jumpy scares. Some gore. Comparison of killing a zombie to rolling up a toothpaste tube.
Brilliant opening credits.

Plus acknowledgment of anxiety/phobias like clowns, going out, public bathrooms...

Loved it when the main guy offered Purell to the gang!

Loved the Zombie Kill of the Week segment!

I think I will pay to see this again.

RULES TO SURVIVE A ZOMBIE ATTACK:, from soulsk8ter225  on

1) Cardio
2) Double tap
3) Beware of bathrooms
4) Seatbelts
5) Check back seat
6) Conserve your ammunition
7) Limber up
8) Know your exits
9) Leave no traces
10) Expect the unexpected
11) Makeup disguise
12) Only sleep if you have to
13) Stay sober
14) Trek in daytime
15) It only takes one
16) Check fuel often
17) Don't be a hero
18) Nothing is too brutal
19) Head shots
20) Don't stop, don't look back
21) Avoid small spaces
22) Get a vehicle
23) Emotionally detach
24) Vigilance is the price of safety
25) There's an "I" in SURVIVAL
26) Keep your ears open
27) No names
28) Music lures
29) The past is history
30) Exhale slowly, squeeze the trigger
31) Set no limitations
32) Enjoy the little things
33) Long sleeves and pants
34) Swim if necessary
35) Nice guys finish first
36) Only eat packaged food
37) Lock doors, board windows
38) Trust no one
39) Make it count
40) Stay hydrated
41) Take the stairs
42) Nut up or shut up
43) Travel lightly
44) Brace yourself
45) Avoid close contact
46) Don't run... sprint
47) Wear tied shoes
48) No sudden movements
49) The higher, the better
50) There is no cure

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