It Really IS Like Riding A Bike!

Mar 14, 2007 10:00

I taught my first class today.....

It's only 1 class with 1.5 hours with a man named Victor but its a start.  I was extremely nervous as I always am.

One reason for being nervous was that I haven't taught English for 1.5 years (and I haven't lost it.  Just needed a re-fresher) and that this person is over the age of 18!  Adults freaked me out...not so much now.  In fact, I think I prefer them.  In celebration I took myself out for sushi and Asahi beer.  YUM!

School has started and its hard to believe it's March.  The penguins, a nickname they have given the students due to their attire, are out in full force.  The education system is actually quite interesting here.  The students in uniform go to public schools and the kids that go to private school get to wear whatever they want!  FUCKED UP!!!!

In other news,  Chilean papers taking longer that previously planned.  Not as easy as I thought :(

Hope all's well out there.....

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