Sep 23, 2006 11:27
It's almost noon here. Haven't slept in 47 hours. Mind won't let me, keeps racing all over the place. Been trying to sleep better. Been exercising more, too fat... Suppose to help ya sleep, no good. New nightmares have replaced the old ones. And thats when I actually get to sleep. Catch a few winks at work, maybe 30-45 minutes all put together. Not much but sleep is sleep. Most days just lay there thinking. Too much going on, too much. Keeps looking to Feburary, I've always had too much anticipation. Lots to do here first. Get outta debt, big step. Should be out beginning of next month. Terrible spender I am I am. Need to control. Not buy on impulse. I beat smoking and drugs, why can't I beat this eh? Starting to wane myself off of luxury items like soda, been turning to water instead. Not gonna have a whole lot of luxury when I live on my own, no sir, gonna have to watch my funds closely. Make sure I don't spend what I don't got. Minds racing again, what if.... what'll happen when.... how I'm gonna... too many questions. Questions bad. Need to stop thinking about then, start thinking about now, take my own advice for once. Get out of debt, thats what matters now. Plans been set in motion, could be good, could be bad, gonna see I suppose. Coming in November to visit for a weekend. Gotta plan for that, buy the ticket. Short weekend, not too bad. Rambling again, there goes my mind. Should sleep, maybe some Nyquil. That'll work probably... probably. Pretty bitter, not sure why. Just am. Nothing more to say, bye bye.