Warning Tags: Prologue

Dec 22, 2011 21:59

Since it's holidays, I decided to attempt to give fanfiction writing a try. I've never actually written anything outside of homework assignments before so please go easy on me? Pretty please?

This was written for a prompt listed on the JINGLE BELL ROCK 3 (challenge?) found here where it was requested by zedin. I won't repeat what the request was to avoid spoilers but needless to say, thank you so much for the idea because I am curious about  Sho and  Jun. My curiosity has led to this prologue (which hopefully fulfils the blood and twist part of the request).

  1. I don't own Jun or Sho or anybody else real. They belong to Johnny Kitagawa who also happens to own the future contents of my wallet.
  2. I know nothing about writing outside of "write or fail!" so this has not been beta'd.
  3. Warning: UK English ahead. Yes, I like to add u's and sometimes use s instead of z.
  4. Because of the theme, the overall rating is probably for 15 and above.
Master Post

He liked the way she smiled - innocent, naïve and clearly new at her current job as a waitress. She was too bright and chipper, dreaming of her big break as a starlet now that she had moved to the big city. His eyes followed her as she balanced her tray unsteadily while crossing the diner to fulfil orders.

* * * 
He was here again - sitting at his usual spot, reading the newspaper. As far as she could tell (which was four days since she’d arrived in the city and secured this waitressing job), he was a regular customer who liked sitting at his usual spot in the corner and catching up on the latest news, particularly the entertainment section. On her handsome scale of 1 to 10, she reckoned he was at least a 7, no, make that an 8.

Frankly, she was eager to strike up a conversation with him. Back home, she had been shy, so terribly shy that she’d hidden out of plain view of the school’s “prince”. But she was here now.

A brand new person.

Someone willing to take chances.

She scanned the diner again, making careful note of the fact that the customers' needs were tended to before she grabbed the coffee pot and headed over to good-looking Asian man.

Sensing her approach, the man reached his coffee cup out, allowing her to refill. “Thank you,” he said absent-mindedly, continuing to read his newspaper.

Her heart sank. He hadn’t even bothered to look at her. Depressed, she started to walk away.

“Wait.” She felt as if her heart skipped a beat (not true, of course since that would mean she was suffering from potential arrhythmia which could lead to-)

He was looking up at her with a smile that seemed to suggest he’d just uncovered a platinum mine or something equally impressive.

“Tell me you act.”

He knew. It took her every ounce of reserve to not squeal too late “Ohmygosh! How can you tell?”

He leant back in the booth he was seated in, giving her a quick inspection, “all part of my job.”

She could only stare back at him, not believing her incredible luck. Fourth day in the city and…

His next words as he offered her his business card only confirmed her fantasising. “Eric Jameson. I’m a talent scout,” he explained.

… a talent scout had already spotted me! Take that, bitchy prom queen Peta Milligan! She almost jumped up and down in joy when her mother’s last words to her came to the forefront of her mind.

“Since you’re too pig-headed to listen to me, at least be careful. There are all kinds of people out there in the world and they don’t all come with warning tags.” It sobered her enough to allow doubt and suspicion to creep in. After all, what WERE the chances?

Eric continued, “I’m mostly a free agent, nothing big,” he shrugged. “So you probably have never heard of me.” He looked up at her, noticing her concern. “Let me guess, I don’t look like an Eric Jameson to you.”

She nodded meekly, “sorry for being rude-“

He waved her apology away, “no, it’s perfectly fine.” He pulled out a carton of cigarettes from another pocket, smiling ruefully. “I’m used to it by now, a delightful drug-addled Japanese couple gave birth to me, realised I wasn’t worth the welfare money and sold me to a nice American couple.”

She couldn't help but feel sorry for him. And here she was, bemoaning her fate when he had gone through a worse childhood. At least she had a loving family...

“Hey, no smoking in the diner!” The cashier shouted suddenly, glaring at her, as if to say that she had better get back to work.

Eric rolled his eyes before smiling at her. “Talk to you again?” He looked at the diner’s clock before giving her a wink, “after work?”

She nodded vigorously, hearing the door chime go off as a new customer stepped in.

The cashier beamed at the familiar face, “ah, officer! Welcome!” He turned to her, annoyed, giving her the “serve him NOW” look. She hurried off to serve the police officer who’d just stepped in, noticing with disappointment, that Eric had left the diner in the interim.

In between breaks, she googled Eric. Just to be sure, of course. Because in this day and age, you couldn’t be too careful, especially since there are all kinds of people out there in the world and they don’t all come with warning tags.

Eric Jameson, it turned out, was a relatively successful freelance talent agent who’d worked with a number of big names. As a matter of fact, the latest Licorne Film Awards recipient had cited him as one of the driving forces that led to success. She closed her eyes, offering a silent prayer, thankful that after all the problems she’d been through for the year, she may finally be able to put something down in the win column.

* * *
“Good night!” she waved to the cook and the cashier before stepping out the diner, shivering as a wintry breeze hit her in the face.


She practically jumped back before realising that it was Eric. “You came.”

Eric smirked, “I told you so?” He offered the crook of his arm, “come on, let’s go find a decent coffee place.”

She took his arm, letting him take the lead.

* * *
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! She winced, as she cut the sole of her left foot on something. In the dark of the park, it could have been anything.

“Where are you?” Clearly-not-Eric asked in a sing-song voice. Bastard sounded like he was playing hide-and-seek and not stalking her with a knife.

She wanted to scream for help but was scared that it would give her position away. She tripped, tumbling down, hitting her head several times. She was so tired and her whole body ached. Still, she tried to force herself up when a hand grabbed her by her hair, pulling her to face the bright beam of a torch.

“Now why did you have to run?” She heard Eric ask. “Shouldn’t have-“ she choked, as she felt his knife plunge into her side, “RUN!” He practically screamed out the last word.

She willed herself to move, her left hand reaching out desperately for something. Anything that would allow her to fight back. She latched onto a rock, closing her eyes and taking a deep brea- it hurt. She was dying.

“No more fight left in you?” Eric mocked. “Good,” he hissed in her ear. “I like them docile. Like deers caught in the-” he screamed, as she smashed the rock into his face, swearing at her as she used her feet to kick him off her.

Scrambling to her feet, she stumbled away again, finding it difficult to breath. Expletives filled the air behind her as Eric followed, seemingly stomping angrily. She wanted to go home. Wanted to get on the first bus home and beg her mother for forgiveness for being such an idiot. She wanted-she crashed into a body and peered up, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as she realised that salvation had arrived. It was the officer that visited the diner.

“Save me,” her voice was barely a whisper now.

“Ha ha-” she heard Eric’s laugh strangled mid-way as he cleared the bushes to appear before her and the officer. Swearing, he stumbled back, as the officer released her and ran after her assailant. Unable to move, she relied on her senses to attempt to follow the fight.

In the distance, she could hear Eric scream in pain, followed by footsteps. She stiffened, terrified that Eric had managed to overwhelm the officer. Thankfully, it was the officer who appeared in her line of vision again, looking a little worse for the wear. Eric had managed to cut him as well. “Tha-thank you,” she struggled, tears of relief running down her face. What was his name? She wanted to thank her saviour properly. The officer lifted her jacket, as if to inspect her injury. Everything was going to be okay now. She’d been saved.

And then she remembered. His name.

She’d been saved by Officer Sakurai S-

She didn't get to finish her train of thought as her world turned pitch black.

* * *
Note: Thank you for reading this far? I realise this is really boring since I spent most of it setting up the story. Jun and more Sho will feature in the next chapter? (if there ends up being another chapter)

Next chapter 

fanfic, sho, jun

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