I'm still a bit depressed. I can tell because I bought Chef Boyardee ravioli for lunch.
But in happier news, it seems my child did not hold my complete and utter mental breakdown against me. When I went to pick him up at school yesterday he wanted to play blocks with me. I asked him if he wanted some more blocks for home. He said yes, he wanted purple ones. He loves purple. So I took him to Target and picked out some warmer clothes for him since he outgrew last year's clothes, and then we went shopping for blocks.
We got him these. And also
these toys. Because that's one of his favorite episodes of MLP. He loves the babies.
...Don't judge. I got him hooked on it one day when I just couldn't fucking watch the Wiggles one more time. NO REGRETS.
Either he hasn't yet figured out that there is a gender segregation to toys, or he just doesn't care. He has some My Little Pony underwear, too. When his teacher was helping him go to the bathroom she said to him, "Alasdair! These are Pinkie Pie undies!" And he was like, "Yeah. So?"
So sometimes I think I'm a good mom, despite my bad brain chemicals telling me otherwise.
Rock Star Novella Progress:
Due the 15th. I can do this. Despite the worrying pins and needles in my fingers.
EDIT: Also in classic depressed!Res fashion, I think I have overreached with ambitions re: novellas and books and stuff this season. I don't know why I thought I could write two small novellas and then write the next book in my rock star series before December 21st. That's crazy. I'm crazy.
...also it is now four in the afternoon and I haven't had a shower yet. So yes, still depressed, but less crying and more inertia right now.