Apr 05, 2005 01:55
Its 1:55am and I am just sitting down for the first time today; granted I did just wake up form a 3 hour cat hour but that is only because my head was pounding and my eyes felt like they were on fire. I think my cold right now has a lot to do with our change in weather. Everyday the temperature outside shifts from one thing to another. It is freezing one day and the next I am wearing a t-shirt and skirt. I just wish the weather would stay consistent and be warm from now on.
Anyways, so what a busy day today was. Woke up around 10 to write a ten page report, finished it around 2 only to find out that class had been canceled for today due to "beautiful weather." I mean yes it was a lovely day outside however I worked my ass off to get that paper done when all along I had way more time. Oh well, at least I got it done and out of the way. After that was done I made my way to Recreation Leadership, which was interesting to say the least because today we learned about disabled people and how you can alter almost every activity to fit the needs of a handicapped person. To illustrate Deb's point she had us do all sorts of activities where we would like tie or legs together or not be able to use parts of our bodies and have to complete an obstacle course. This was all lovely since the one day I wear a skirt to that class and I have to crawl all over the gym floor, it was a treat, let me tell you...funny, yes. Then went over the A-Chi-O house to drop a few things off. Met up with Kristen and Allison for dinner followed by my volleyball game (which Alpha Ominicron Pi forfeited so we won but played Delta Gamma just for fun). Then I had to haul ass back across campus to the Alpha Gamma Delta House for a Conduct Board Meeting and by this time my head hurt so bad, definitely one of my migraines. Came back here around 10:30 or so to pass out (not getting any of my studying done that I had hoped to) and I just awoke and probably will head back to bed soon.
Tomorrow is yet another fun filled day of 3 classes, tanning appointment, New Member Exec Board meeting, homework, and an evening filled of studying.
So this past weekend was nothing short of amazing. I don't think I have had a better time at BG then I did this past weekend. Thursday night we had a tea with the Kappa Alpha boys at Uptown and that was real fun. It was a pajama theme which was awesome cause we all wore sweats to the bar, good times. Then Friday Kristen came and visited me during the day and that night Melissa and I had an OC party and we watched season 1 until 3 in the morning, while getting lots of phone calls and visits from our drunk friends. It was nice just to lay low for a night. Then Saturday night was what made it. Amy came up for the day and we (meaning her, I, Kait and Erin) just kind of all laid around procrastinating getting ready for formal that night, drank a little too. Then once we got our butts in gear we got ready and headed over to the A-Chi-O house to catch the bus. We ended up at the Windom Hotel in Toledo, it was so beautiful and a great place to dance the night away. While we were there Amy became like best friends with Kait and not to mention every other of my sorority sisters. Everyone was asking her if she was rushing A-Chi-O in the fall and she was like "naaaah, I'm from MI...just Ash's best friend" everyone was so bummed that she didn't go to school here but absolutely loved her and loved me for her being my best friend. It was so funny. Then the after party was kicking. The Alpha Sig boys threw us girls a party at their president's house and what a party it was. Everyone was wasted yet we all knew what was going on. Kait, Amy and I, no joke, danced from 12:30 (the time we got there) until about 4 in the morning. Kev came downstairs after a few hours of us dancing and was like "daaammmnn you girls are the fun ones at the party!" Kait goes HECK YEESSSS WE ARE! All the Alpha Sigs were so fun and danced and beer pong was happening, and music was jamming, just an amazing night overall. Just spending the evening with some of my most favorite people here at school, what could possibly be better. I HEART BGSU, especially its Greeks, haha.
PS...I have just been watching Kait try and rig the lighting system in the hallway so the lights would turn off. We HATE that the lights in the hallways stay on 24 hours a day so she thought she put a stop to that. We don't have light switches, just these little slots. She used a credit card...no luck, a fork...no luck, finally got a bobby pin and I see the lights go off and her down the hallway give a low-key and quiet (YEESSSSSSS) and I was pumped. She just said she officially has the job of turning off the lights after our RA goes to sleep. I LOVE KAITLIN MARGARET DUFFY DAHLEEN.