First before you read this don't be offended by me. I just wanted to use this as a source of topic and help me express my own thoughts and feelings on religon. I found this on my friend liesie's journal
Please read this with an open mind and feel free to state your own opinions. I want to know how you feel on this topic.
If you believe in God, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or the Great Pumpkin, be forewarned: Reading this article will do one of two things: (1) make you incredibly pissed off, or (2) make you question your religious beliefs. Both are understandable and anyone who becomes excessively angry can feel free to email me with your hate mail. Bonus points will be awarded to MEI hate mailers!
First things first: You've been deceived. There is no god, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny or Great Pumpkin. But we're here to focus on this 'god' creature.
"Can God make a wall that he can't jump over?" No, of course not. But you've been led to believe that god can do anything. If God lacks the ability to limit his own powers (a pretty crucial control function, I might add), god is far from omni-powerful. This point alone could be the cornerstone of an entire argument itself, but since philosophy is a pretty shaky battleground (and since there are more than a few religious nuts who will say "The Lord cannot be imagined!" and other such bullshit), I shall move on to demonstrate some simple facts that will demonstrate the existence of a supreme being to be impossible.
People seem to think that by praying, they can somehow connect with the mind of this All-Powerful, Omniscient Being and bend its will to fit their own needs. Even believers must admit that praying in order to change God's mind is pretty stupid. How can you believe that god has some mysterious "grand plan" for us all (and people try to explain all misfortune with this stupid concept) and at the same time attempt to pray to god to change it?
People believe that god's plan involves intervention in everyday life. However, people also believe that he is infallible, and never makes mistakes. HELLO, NIMRODS. THESE TWO CONCEPTS CANNOT POSSIBLY OCCUPY THE SAME SPACE. If god is indeed infallible, then when he created the universe, he would have had to predetermine everything that would happen within it. If god never makes mistakes, why would god change what he originally had designed to happen? I'll tell you why - because god is irrelevant. No one knows how the universe was created or why or if it really was "created" at all. The only thing we know is that the universe exists. Attempting to explain it by saying that some magical entity in the sky made all this just for us is cutting it just a little bit thin, don't you think?
And what's up with this all this "hell" business? Christians claim that a servant of god got a bit too cocky, so god banished him to the underworld and he became just as powerful as god himself. How can this be? A minion who the all-powerful himself deemed unworthy to exist beside him is now considered his equal and mankind's mortal enemy? Or perhaps the devil is a creation of the human mind to explain all the evil in the world? Ah, but wait - I was under the impression that all evil in the world is part of god's "grand plan". Could it be that his grand plan was royally messed up by lucifer? But, if god is all-powerful, it couldn't have been! There is, then, only one logical conclusion - that god and lucifer and everything that these metaphysical fabrications encompass, do not exist.
What about the religious fanatics who say "god exceeds all logic"? The only response to these mental midgets is this: Please, stop your inane blabbering and try, for just one second, to listen to what you're saying. You put blind faith in a 2000+ year old religion that was established to attempt to explain existence. Now that we have scientific knowledge to know for a fact that many parts of the bible are incorrect and that many of foundations of the Judeo-Christian belief system are in blatant contradiction with physical reality (i.e. Genesis, Tower of Babel, Noah's Arc, etc, etc.), you attempt to explain it all by retreating into your impenetrable, ignorance-filled zone of "beyond all logic and imagination"? This is simply the most ridiculous defense that could be imagined. No sane, rational person could possibly believe a word of it. No one, that is, except the dumbasses in the world who are simply incapable of any amount of critical, analytical thought. Only the mentally feeble amoung us are compelled to cling to this kind of illogical crap. Unfortunately, this pretty much defines the vast majority of the human race.
What good has religion ever done for any of us? None. In fact, if there was no religion, the world would definitely be a much better place. Religion has caused some of the bloodiest wars, the most bitter arguments, and the most blatant greed ever known on this planet. What good could possibly come from believing in an invisible force that, by nature, can fail at any time? All the good in peoples lives are commonly attributed to god's goodness - and all the bad is alluded to in vague remarks about some mysterious "grand plan" or that bastard lucifer. If these events appear to us to be random and that only an all-powerful being could be capable of understanding their significance, then what good is it believing in god when the world would be exactly the same without him?
This article was originally published on 9/15/02 by TBD (aka Infinite Nothingness). Very good site. TBD's website address is: You can read the original manuscript at (Note 2/26/05: This site is no longer on-line.)
Religon is for weak humans! We play a mind game with ourselves that helps us stay sane. But in reality we are just as insane. I respect people that have religon because they have so much faith in a certain thing that they have no idea that could possibly exsist or not. That takes a lot. But in my opinion they are weak and need a hand to lead them through the short life they lead. How come people pray when your destiny is supposedly already predetermined? As it was once stated "You pray to have a relationship with God"
WHAT KIND OF BRAINWASHING STUFF IS THIS? You are talking to something that will not talk back! I dont understand that kind of faith... i dont know why I cant grasp this thought.
Do not get me wrong though. I believe there is a God because I am also a weak human. i just cant figure out anyother explaination for why we are here. But i am not saying I put my full trust in this God. I just beleive we are runnning towards a lost cause and waste of time. Forgive me friends for saying such cruel words.
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