Apr 03, 2006 22:35
Moving is a bitch, and i havent even started to actually move yet!
Ive started to pack up winter things..in hopes that i wont need them and spring will actually be here soon. *fingers crossed* Ive collected a few boxes from work, i'll continue collecting since i'll need a lot...most of my shit will be going to storage until september when i move into my next real apartment. Moving home for 4 months is going to suck but i think i'll survive, im looking forward to spending a lot of time on the beach and with friends i refuse to sit home and lose my damn social life. fuck that. I will not go back to the antisocial i was years ago...i have too much fun for that.
Were planning a Dells/Marley's trip part 2...im so excited i wish it was tomorrow.....that was seriously a blast and i cant wait to do it over again and this time im not driving people i want to drink more than i could last time. Im also planning on getting my puppy in may sometime, maybe june...my parents arent exactly thrilled but i dont care..i think i'll do it just because i can.
My spring break was a total bust, i didnt do shit except work and chase around and drink margaritas and spend money....all my exams i have this week...yep still have to study i'll be cramming tomorrow..fuck. i suck. i suck at life.
Matchbook Romance on saturday...you know that little island of pleasantness we escape too...it will be revisited. thank god. i have senioritis like no other.........no motivation. none. nada.
Im planning my party...May 13th you better write that shit down, its gonna be CRAZY!.
the end.