Dec 06, 2008 18:08
I leave for the Turks and Caicos Islands in just under 2 months.
Just found out I can get as much as half paid for with scholorships.
I'm so excited. I can't wait to be diving and/or snorkeling EVERY DAY.
I can't wait to learn everything they have to teach me.
Hell, I can't wait to go shopping for new diving and snorkeling equipment!
Road tripping to the Diver's Direct warehouse in Orlando over break to do my shopping!
I'm going to miss so many people so much.
I'm going to miss my fraternity and all the people in it,
I'll miss my roommates and the apartment
I'll miss my family, but they're coming to visit me for spring break.
Most of all, I'm going to miss John. We do the long distance thing well, but we'll be apart 3 months. It's going to be tough.
But its going to be worth it. Experience of a lifetime? Yes please!