Feb 24, 2005 20:59
The Future, The Past, The Present.:
The Future:
Im going to travel the world, trust me. Ive decided that Im going to succeed in my life, Im going to go to Japan, England, Germant, Russia, and Any other country I feel is worth it. Why? How? Simple, the why and how have the same answer: There is a way to do anything, Im a firm beleiver in this, and I have no reason not to be. Im going to be a teacher of english in foreign countries, ill figure out how when I get there. Im going to continue my misadventures all over the world, gaining great experiances and stories along the way. Im sure that when I get older Ill probably come back to maryland, as it seems like a nice place to live, and by Maryland I mean here Maryland, Anne Arundel County. Ill grow old with my beautiful wife, and well never tire of each other because while she is my wife, shell be my best friend. Who wouldnt want to be married to their best friend?
The Present: I am Earl Gray The Third. I Reside in Crownsville Maryand. Id like to think I have friends, and have a positive impact on peoples lives. I enjoy just being myself and I generally find life entertaining. According to my parents, this is the best we have ever lived in our lives. I am thankful.
Note: on this next part im not looking for sympathy, my apologies if it comes off that way. The thing is I just recently learned most of this, and I feel like typing it out. I guess if now I know where I come from, why shouldnt my friends?
The Past: I was born in Hornell New York On Groundhogs Day 1987. From what my parents tell me, both myself and my mother are lucky to be alive. It turns out there was some problem with the birthing where a bunch of crap happened and I almost suffocated and my mom almost died somehow too. But thats that, Im alive today no reason to dwell on it. Apparently my parents lived off of $4000/year before taxes, living in upstate New York, we lived in a small house, and the heat didnt work. My mom tells me that she would take me to K-Mart during the day because there was heat there (this explains my liking of shopping perhaps) Apparently the reason we moved from new york to maryland was that the church my dad was pastoring at wouldnt allow for us to buy a new heater. My dad tells me we moved because he didnt want me to continue sleeping in a 5x4 heat access room.
It was then we moved to wilmington deleware with my grandparents until we moved to caroll county maryland.
Caroll county is the first place I remember being, I guess it was my first "home" It is also where I adopted my mindset. You cant listen to "Cecular" music and most cable is bad, not to mention that many refuse to have the internet in their households. This is the mindset of where i used to live, where you would see klan members in the grocery store. It is for this reason the one thing I am truly offended by is Racism. Dont get me started on those inbred idiots who claim to fight for a just cause. but thats that. When I left I was thrown a surprise party with all the people that knew and loved me. my yearbook that year had extra pages that people signed on, promising that we should keep in touch.
All those people, I wonder how they turned out. How their lives spun off, and how mine wouldve, had I stayed there. I wonder if any of them Remember me.
Then were back to the present: the year 2000 to now. I wish I had lived here all my life, as the people ive met here are the best ive encountered.
My Grandfather and Father both put meaning into the Name "Earl Gray" they made it stand for something, and they gave/give it honor. As cheesy as It sounds, someday I hope to give meaning to the name "Earl Gray III" and make sure that it is a meaning that is mine.
Heres to the past present and future. How will I turn out?