Storms in Seattle? No way!

May 18, 2007 11:21

I am still not sure how I feel about the Grey's finale.  There was certainly a lot of drama.

I loved the beginning with Mere and Christina and the horrific headress of TP and Christina confirming with Meredith "so my wedding is all about you?"  Honestly, the best moments for me were Christina and Meredith together.  I do like that friendship.  Meredith helping Christina find herself again after the eyebrow debacle and watching Meredith channel Christina to motivate her down the aisle was awesome -- even if it was all for naught.  (Also, I liked the bridesmaids' dresses -- they all looked good.)  And then, at the very end, Meredith is the one to hold Christina as she falls apart.  I am still not sure how to take the "I'm free."  The words themselves would indicate some sort of pleasure at now being unemcumbered, but the breakdown pretty much belied that.  I was pretty much shocked that Burke broke it off and left.  I did think his vows were good and I loved Addison's reaction in asking him to marry her.

So much happened in the non-wedding stories too -- Callie is Chief R. and I felt badly for Bailey; the Chief is staying which I think is good -- Derek as the head of surgery would be annoying.  I thought Alex was true to his character in telling Ava to go, but then Addison turns him around.  Apparently, my streak of not having the same understanding of the characters as the writers do continues.  I actually can't believe that George failed the exam.  How is that even possible?  So, are TJK and IW both leaving in addition to KW?  So much in limbo!

And who turned Derek into a policeman?  I was pretty much done with watching him interogate the climbers (hello again FNL boys -- much easier to recognize this time!)  I could not stand Derek pretty much all episode -- first he throws out the flirting thing basically just to hurt Meredith and then he puts the burden of the relationship all on her?  She's the love of his life?  They are nuts.  I just don't care about that relationship right now.  Although, if he starts dating the sister next season, I might have to throw something at the TV.   Speaking of the sister, why must she be a "Lexi(e)"?  I have always hated that nickname and virtually decapitated anyone who called me that.  And in a non-sequitor of sorts -- how long is an internship?  It's been more than a year right?  Is Lexie in the first new batch to come along since our 5?  Are we going to get to know the other new interns next year?

In summary, everyone wanted a happy ending and no one got one.   The Chief gave Addison the kick she needs to find a new job or a new life in LA for the fall.  And everyone else is left in turmoil heading into next season.

Lastly, regarding VM -- I am sad.  I knew that it was coming; it seemed inevitable, but I am still sad about the loss of potential and the loss of my Tuesday night TV.  I haven't yet seen a new show that I am dying to see, but I will give several of them a shot -- you never know when an FNL is hiding out there, right?  But I will definitely miss VM.  It was the show, after all, that introduced me to fanfic and LJ and that has been a huge new thing this last year for me.  I am also sad about the potential for continued decline in VM fanfiction.  Now that the show is gone, I will need that fix even more and with the decline of the 3rd season, the fanfic has certainly slowed down.  I have my fingers crossed that the writers I enjoy so much won't abandon the characters completely.  (And hopefully finish the unfinished fics hanging out there!)  So, RIP VM.  I will miss you.

grey's anatomy, veronica mars, tv

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