TV makes me sad for different reasons....

May 16, 2007 09:45

Last night was the series finale of the Gilmore Girls, and maybe my hormones played a role, but damn you show, you made me cry just a little.  I actually did not think it was a bad series finale.

It was kind of hard to figure out what they would have done for 13 episodes next season since it would seem like Rory would never be home.  Although maybe they could have gotten an Obama cameo -- that would have been cool.  I also think that Logan would not have lasted even if Rory had said yes, since he didn't want to do the long distance thing and she will be on the road for a while.  And how could you not have taken that job?  Sorry, Logan.  It was not meant to be.

The quirky moments were there still, too.  Taylor's speech about birthing Rory to the world was awful.  Kirk commanding "Kneel before me!" was distrubing.  Babette saying that "my hair is 50/50, but my ankles you can take to the bank" killed me.  And I loved the tables coming into the square and then going away during Rory and Lorelai's talk.  But I have to say this -- there is no way Liz and TJ could afford that stroller -- I think it was a Bugaboo, and those things are, like, $800.  Seriously.  But how scary that I said "people focus" right before Taylor did at the faux town meeting?  I do not  want to be a Taylor!

I did think there were several nice moments in the show.  There was growth with Lorelai's relationship with Richard and Emily where Richard complimented her on the person she has become and Lorelai recognized her mother's attempts to keep a hold on her and graciously agreed to continued Friday Night Dinners.  Rory had a good best friend moment with Lane on the porch, and I loved that Lane stuck to her guns about getting as much time with Rory as possible and screw the party set-up.  Lorelai and Rory ironing together and Lorelai being a good mom and holding it together to help her daughter plan and pack and avoid panic was another good moment.  And "you've given me everything I need" was a great reaction by Rory to Lorelai's stream of advice about the bus and clothes.  And then there was Luke.  He was so sweet sewing together all that stuff for the tent, and organizing the party.  He showed Lorelai how he felt with actions, even though they couldn't seem to get the words together.  I bought the kiss as believable.

I also liked the ending in the diner.  I thought it was a low-key, but true to the series, way for it to end.  All in all, I have to say, I thought it worked as a series finale, even though they weren't sure when they made it that that's what it would be.  I will miss the show, but it definitely had started to decline these last 2 years. 
Veronica managed to make me sad, but for entirely different reasons.  If this is, in fact, the end of the show we are witnessing, it is going out in a truly mediocre fashion.  Seriously.  This stuff is not good.

Watching V get played was entertaining, but the MotW was very messagey again.  The kitty pen was so over the top.  Have we ever seen her use anything like that, ever?  However, all the relationship stuff was really ooky.  I can't watch V&Piz be all cuddly.  Yuck.  Did V not tell Piz about the FBI thing at all?  I hope he didn't turn down NY, but you know he did.  I was fine with Veronica getting the internship -- and I did enjoy the celebration with Keith and his dig about her exam score (why did she think he had gotten a 93 in the first place?).  My husband had the best insight into all the relationships last night -- in every pairing, no one's talking to each other about anything really meaningful and one of the pair is more serious than the other.  Logan and Parker were okay, I guess.  Him putting her on his lap was kind of cute, and her parents were totally awful, but I just don't see chemistry there either.  And it's like he had to make himself think about her.  As for Mac/Max -- how much time has passed here?  She jumped into bed with him awfully fast and went straight to "love"?  They were totally making me cringe and I liked their chemistry before.

Vinnie is icky and totally in league with the Fitzpatricks since forever.  Will Keith suffer the indignity of losing not only to Lamb, but also to Vinnie?  Poor guy.  I laughed when Cliff declared he was not voting for Keith.  Wallace got a couple scenes, that is good.  And of course he's going to Africa -- he has a heart still.  I did like when he questioned that he was the cynical one between him and Veronica.    Dick was the shocker last night.  I was unprepared for his Dad to come back, but I did enjoy Dick standing up to him and letting fly about Cassidy, even if it was seemingly out of left field given what we've seen from him the rest of this season.

Basically, given the small chance for any VM resurrection at this point, I'm just sad that this is the way the show is going out.  It really used to be so much better than this.  Even on the weaker weeks.  *sigh*

veronica mars, gilmore girls, tv

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