This Tuesday was better than last week

May 09, 2007 10:50

I did enjoy this week's Tuesday night viewing more than last week.  At least my stomach appreciated it.  No thanks to House, however. 
earth2mars is right -- that show is a great appetite suppressant.  Bleh.  But onto the less disturbing TV fodder:

I was so happy that Rory said no to Logan!  Yay!  I felt bad for him, he did get his heart broken, but I was pleased with the outcome.  I was also really happy that Lorelai acted like a good grown-up and didn't tell Rory her opinion or what to do.  And Lorelai was right -- when it's really right, you probably shouldn't have to hesitate that long.  Of course, my hubby thought that Logan should probably have talked with Rory about the whole marriage idea first before proposing in front of a room full of people, but hey -- he's a doer, not a thinker and he got what he deserved for his approach, right?  I did think it was a bit strange that Rory didn't tell her friends about the proposal at all and that she chose to "ruin" her graduation day by giving him her answer then, but that may be just me.  And Emily was so on my nerves about the proposal -- let Rory make her own decision for pete's sake!

As for the Stars Hollow doings, I could not refocus for a while after Lorelai walked out of Weston's without the cake.  She paid for it, why on earth didn't she take it with her?  She must have gone back to pick it up or Emily would never have let it go.  The town was on my nerves with their LL talk -- back off a little and see what happens.  Patty and Babette pushed Lorelai and then she says something she doesn't really mean and makes Luke all pissy.  And how could she not know that he heard that?  My husband was tired of the LL stupidity and the anvils flying during the conversation on the street.

Small moments I liked:  Liz giving Luke free earrings because of all that TJ has done and Luke taking them; Kirk's box; Taylor's foot bath mishap; Richard and Emily's song; Lorelai taking pictures of Paris because her family probably didn't come; Paris' militant selling, packing, spackling, and milk labeling.  I am looking forward to the finale!

Veronica I liked a bit better this week, although the hand holding with Piz was icky.  I like Paul Rudd, so that made the MotW a bit more fun, even if it was kind of a stupid resolution.  The best parts were definitely that Wallace got more screen time and that Logan and Mac spent time together on Logan's project.  I have to say, I felt bad for Logan that the professor totally cut him off in class when he did actual work and research on income streams, etc.  While I think his website is kind of stupid, I hope he sets it up and makes money (for him and Mac) and the professor finds out.  Loser.

I did not believe that Keith would hire Leo back, given how he got fired from the Sheriff's Dept. before, but Vinnie running for Sheriff?  Ummm... no.  Keith arguing about the Beatles, however, is entertaining.  Again, Mac and Max were fun together -- even Logan noticed the chemistry -- and I felt bad for Bronson, but ultimate frisbee and hiking are definitely not Mac's cup o' tea.  And can we have a moment for all the icons that will be generated about Logan's arms?  Logan's Piz insecurity, however, was not charming and needs to go away.  Mac handled him well, I think, but that elevator in the Grand is turning into as difficult a place as the elevators at Seattle Grace.  Geez.  All in all, I liked this episode better than last week's, and that was a relief.  Even with Piz.  *shudder*

veronica mars, gilmore girls, tv

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