Happy Holidays

Dec 22, 2014 20:36

Happy Holidays to any LJ friends who are hanging out there in the interwebs.  I hope you have a happy and healthy 2015!

My holiday season is going a bit awry as my parents and brother were supposed to arrive tomorrow, and now my parents have had to cancel as my mom has some horrible pain in her neck and shoulder which the drugs don't seem to help and so driving in a car for a full day to get here is just out of the question.  I know she and my dad are really disappointed and so are the kids.  (Being in pain is certainly not the way to spend the holiday, either.)  I am disappointed too, but I am also trying to adjust my menu for all the food in my fridge from feeding 8 to feeding 5 or 6.  I don't know if my brother will come without them, so we may have a pretty quiet Christmas.  Not a bad thing, though.  Definitely would be more laid back.  I'm not sure it will feel very Christmas'y with 60 degree and rainy weather on Christmas Eve, but what can you do.  We will head for the in-laws to ring in the New Year.  I hope any of you who are travelling arrive safely!

Sending happy holiday thoughts your way!

life stuff, holidays

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