Thoughts about a few finales

May 19, 2014 21:57

Well, I am still behind on a few shows, but I have caught up with the finales of some others, so Spoilers, ahoy!

I really enjoyed Christina's goodbye on Grey's.  Her speech to Meredith was just about perfect.  And thank God Mer is standing up to Derek.  I have not enjoyed what has been happening there.  NIH is not the be all, end all, Derek.  No matter what they try to say.  I'm there everyday and it's a fine place to be, but dragging your reluctant wife around may not be worth it.  Looking forward to seeing where that goes next season.  Not as sure about the new half sister.  Seriously, how many of those are lurking around?  And did we know that Ellis had been pregnant and given a baby away?  Did Richard know?  Did Mer not know her mom was pregnant?  The show has been on 10 years, so I am sure I have forgotten many things, but still....
I am not sure how I feel about
[Spoiler (click to open)]
Jane and Lisbon on

The Mentalist.
[Spoiler (click to open)]
I guess I didn't really every ship them, so I am not certain how I feel about that.

Now, as for Bones, that ending is just killer (no pun intended).  Definitely a bit set up for next season, but man.  And who else thinks Max is going to be seriously pissed?  I really hope we get to see that.

The cover-up thing is pretty insane, though.  Not sure how they are going to deal with that and not make it seem totally nutty.  I did enjoy that Fisher seemed to be experiencing some new emotions, though.  And Hodgins' old conspiracy bent came back to the fore.  As did Angela's experience with Pelant.  I don't know that I can say that I am pleased with the way the season ended, but I do think it has potential for next season.  Although, I don't know how long we could go without Booth and Bones solving murders together, you know?  I do like the murder of the week that they have trained me to expect.

Well, maybe if I get to some more finales, I will post again sooner rather than later.  Although, I am kind of glad the season is winding up.  I still have way to many episodes on the DVR that need watching.

the mentalist, grey's anatomy, bones, tv

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