
Aug 27, 2013 20:57

So, tomorrow I am getting a new fridge.  A cheap one that can be delivered quickly.  We thought we would redo the kitchen in a few year (or 5), but when Elliott took out an ice cream sandwich last night and it was virtual soup, we realized both the fridge and freezer were not doing what they should.  And so, a new fridge.  Really not in the plan.  Especially since 2 weeks ago we had to get the brakes overhauled on our van (thank goodness I mentioned the weird sound it was making sometimes).  Ugh.
On a happier note, Jillian has started kindergarten. 
She seems to enjoy it, although maybe the bus not so much.

Now, a quick few comments about the MTV Video awards which will show how old I am:  what mess was that with Miley Cyrus?  Who convinced Robin Thicke that he (after having a pretty great summer) should perform with her?  That person should be fired.  And poor Lil Kim doesn't hardly look like a person any more.  Sheesh.  Finally, I don't care that Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez are friends.  But I guess that they were the only people in the audience enjoying large chunks of the show since they were the only people the camera showed.  *meow*

awards show, kid stuff, life stuff, mtv

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